The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Chat back at 2 p.m. tomorrow

Last week’s weekly chat went off a day late due to travel. Tomorrow we’re back to normal — and I think we’ve made this a normal event now, thanks to your participation. Let’s keep it going. Be there tomorrow at 2 p.m. and tell your friends. If you or they can’t be there drop your questions in the quque now. Either way, this is the destination. 

All topics — and I mean all, ya dig? — are in play.

Allow CBS analyst Gary Danielson to give you something to talk about. He mentioned LSU on Tony Barnhart’s show on CBS College Sports Network Tuesday:

“I see the best defense I’ve seen there in three or four years.  They’ve really got it going.  They have athletes all over the field. They run extremely well.  They will match-up with anybody defensively in the country.  They will give Florida all they can handle.  They will match-up against Alabama.  They are a dominating defense as good as their national championship teams.  If they get any kind of quarterback play — and I’ve been saying this for two years. They need just a little bit. If they had a manager of their offense similar to Greg McElroy — he doesn’t have to be that good, just similar — this would be a national championship contending team.