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Texts From LSU Game Day

Uhoh! Another revealing, reflective and riveting edition of Texts From Game Day … in retrospect, make that Distinctively Adept Texts From Game Day. The texts arrived in waves and were gathered nicely by the anonymous assistant, who you can thank in the comments. This was a good one and I’m glad it was captured.

Suppose you hadn’t watched Saturday night. Too late, too busy, too whatever. Read along and experience what others witnessed, either at home or at Tiger Stadium. Or suppose you did watch. Revel in what others felt and see if you were moved to the same extremes.

This could be a long week for the Mountaineers. The players felt they were better and were left upset they couldn’t get the win. I’m not convinced that’s true. I think WVU did play well enough in that game to win, but I think you could make the very same argument for LSU. I don’t think WVU was so clearly better that it can be said the Mountaineers deserved to win.  

They played well on defense, yes, but there were miscues they had to avoid and could not. There were also the special team blowups and there were more errors on offense — 10 turnovers in four games now, more poorly timed penalties and some disjointed play-calling.

The team is off this week in advance of UNLV, which precedes a game the following Thursday against USF. Lots of time to discuss and debate items, such as the decision to test Patrick Peterson and whether it should have been avoided, the uneven use of wide receiver screens, the Marshall rally and how it relates to the LSU rally and depth at running back … where it would appear depth is not the appropriate word.

I’m sure those issues are on your mind. I’m not sure the discontent with the coaching, particularly on offense, has been as high as it is now, 30 games into this.

At least that’s what I gather from Texts From LSU Game Day. Operator, won’t you put me on through? I gotta send my love down to Baton Rouge. Hurry up, won’t you put her on the line? I gotta to text the girl just one  more time. My edits are in [brackets].

(12:43 PM):
So I guess Denard Robinson is hurt? Did it happen when he was walking on water, or turning water into wine?

(8:30 PM):
Getting nervous that this Cincy game will cut into our kickoff

(9:06 PM):
Where the bleep is our game….f u espn

(9:19 PM):
Lets hope this is a game where we dont look at avg starting field posiion after its over

(9:20 PM):
John Beilein as the official again, so at least its a BE crew

(9:20 PM):
I can’t see the game. Damnit Cincy!

(9:22 PM):
Woo-hooo! Tandy!!! Way to redeem yourself!

(9:31 PM):
Geno’s like Jay-Z…”they call shots…I call audibles.”

(9:37 PM):
Thats two blocks this year that are on our O line!

(9:38 PM):
Special teams off to their usual big-game scintillating start

(9:40 PM):
Holy Maryland game! Who’s the home team?

(9:40 PM):
LSU’s offense is driving in the same direction as Brandon Hogan

(9:41 PM):
All this hype about crowd noise, you’d think they’d tell them to shut the [heck] up when on offense. The noise is wvus advantage

(9:43 PM):
Man, Sands looks gimpy after every tackle

(9:46 PM):
What was it we were saying about how we could win if we didnt turnover the ball

(9:46 PM):
Yackety [freaking] sax.

(9:47 PM):
Good to see that we’re doing just every little thing we knew we couldn’t afford to do.

(9:50 PM):
Ryan Clarke 7, WVU 0

(9:59 PM):
And theres the ballgame

(10:10 PM):
Pretty sure their penalty yardage has surpassed our offensive production

(10:11 PM):
Maybe its the same strategy as our basketball team–fall behind and comeback later

(10:11 PM):
Oh boy…here we go…downward spiral.

(10:11 PM):
Announcer just said “just keep in mind they played ccu, marshall and maryland — this is a little different game for them.” He was being a sarcastic [gent]

(10:16 PM):
Announcer surprised Noel is back in the game. Guess he thinks if you ain’t in the SEC youre a [wuss].

(10:17 PM):
Paging Pat White…run for that 3rd and 5.

(10:27 PM):
Ask me about punts

(10:27 PM):
So heres to you Tavon Austin, our offense turns its lonely eyea to you

(10:31 PM):
Is it 2008? Our 3rd and short is atrocious! Maybe its because we only have one play call

(10:41 PM):
As usual, at least Jeff Casteel has done his job…

(10:43 PM):
Our Mountaineer is pretty grizzly this year…also needs to lay off the trans fats.

(10:43 PM):
Wait til you see the recording of Stew’s closing comment of the halftime interview. I think he practiced his words and his side eye in the mirror

(11:08 PM):
Omg. Why do we do so many stupid things? Eain Smith I’m talking to you.

(11:09 PM):
Sands with another devastating leg whip. Wonder how well Ea Smith’s joints are put together

(11:10 PM):
Hurry up offense. Distribute the ball to the munchkins in the flat. That’s some momentum!

(11:11 PM):
Buckle up, folks. We’ve finally decided to show up.

(11:12 PM):
Yeah…Jock, baby!!!!

(11:15 PM):
Wow! Could we make it any easier for them?

(11:15 PM):
Oh for God’s sake. My grandmother can cover receivers better than that!!!!

(11:23 PM):
Complete departure from what worked in the first drive!!

(11:27 PM):
Austin could have caught that ball if his left arm wasn’t pinned behind him

(11:33 PM):
BS pass interference call…come on!!!!

(11:35 PM):
What’s with the D-Line?

(11:42 PM):
This is not good for my soul!

(11:54 PM):
Are you watching Oliver? All these coaches need replaced!

(12:02 AM):
If we ever get to the point where we boo our team while leading the 22nd team in the country, shoot me.

(12:03 AM):
Come on, Mullen. Can we play to win the game, please?

(12:03 AM):
Mullen knows we’re losing right??

(12:04 AM):
Think Beatty called timeout so he could call the play?

(12:04 AM):
Is this Nehlen football?

(12:05 AM):
Coach Stew calls a timeout to ask the team what play they are going to run.

(12:07 AM):
I remember the two Marshall drives and dont remember these playcalls at all

(12:08 AM):
Well, we’ve seen Eu rattled. He lined up behind the wrong guy!

(12:08 AM):
OK, we hurry up so we can blow a TO, then we have the worst looking play of the night audible out of it.

(12:10 AM):
LSU is ripe for the picking, but we can’t find a ladder.

(12:11 AM):
Cant say theyre not giving us chances. Did we throw away the marshall comeback playbook?

(12:13 AM):
This is it, boys…do or die!!!! I believe!

(12:14 AM):
OK, we need to treat this drive at 3:57 as the ballgame. If we’re going to go down, let’s d it with a bang and not a whimper. Take an effing chance down the field.

(12:15 AM):
Oh, look, Devine for a loss.

(12:17 AM):
Someone give Braun a matador’s cape.

(12:17 AM):
Defense has to make a play!

(12:20 AM):
OK, the defense is tired at the end, but they’ve been terrific. Absolutely none of this is on them.

(12:24 AM):
Turnovers…that’s how LSU won.

(12:26 AM):
Well at least I was right about taking the under and us to cover

(12:54 AM):
Geno…u can’t just choke…have to play through the mistakes.

(12:56 AM):
lsu played to lose. We just played better.