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Brief press conference recap

I’m having major cell phone issues — it’s dead; Texts From Game Day is in peril — and battling other nuisances on the busiest day of the week. Deadline is approaching rapidly and here are a few things from the press conference I’ll be blending into tomorrow’s paper:

– Brandon Hogan will travel with the team to LSU and could play. Hogan will practice this week and Stewart will evaluate his performance before making a decision about his status for Saturday night … all of which makes it sound like Hogan will play.

Stewart said Hogan did not practice last week and was instead made to handle a series of punishments. He said Hogan is being treated the same as every student and student-athlete to encounter this problem and that he’s subjected to the student judiciary committee. Stewart explained the decision to allow Hogan on the sideline against Maryland — Hogan asked if he could and Stewart said yes because the player was still part of the team.

– Left guard Johsn Jenkins most likely will not play. He had an arthroscopic procedure Tuesday morning. Stewart said it was a “very, very minor snipping of a part” and deemed it a “very, very successful repair.” Jenkins’ status will be determined by Thursday’s injury report. He missed most of the Maryland game after someone rolled up on his right leg in the second quarter.

– Stewart will try to play middle linebacker Pat Lazear, who has not played at all this season and, according to Stewart, “is not in good shape.” That said, Stewart said the leg-whipping done to Lazear’s leg last month would have ended the careers of other players, but that Lazear was spared because “his joints are so well put together.” Lazear was running and cutting Sunday.