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Bill Stewart is not being handled with kid gloves

Curious about Brandon Hogan? Wondering if he’ll play Saturday at LSU? Wondering why in the world he was allowed to be with the team on the sideline for the Maryland game? Trust you are not alone on that one as it was the top topic on Sunday’s teleconference.

The opinion seems to be Stewart is not winning a lot of points for that decision, no matter if Hogan returns this weekend or some time in the future. The handling of this disciplinary matter as opposed to others, namely the Jock Sanders indefinite suspension from Februay-August 2009, has caused some head scratching.

This was out of character for Stewart, who in February 2009, slapped an indefinite suspension on Jock Sanders for what at first glance seems to be a similar violation, driving under the influence. Like Hogan, Sanders also had a prior run-in with authorities, a bit more serious than public urination in that a fight was involved, but it didn’t rise to Pac-Man Jones trying to separate someone from his teeth with a pool cue.

Stewart, at that time, cleaned out Sanders locker, banned him from practice and made him miss all of spring drills while he worked on rehabilitation.

Considering the positive way Sanders responded, such a harsh penalty seemed to turn the pilot light on in Sanders’ head and he has become not only one of the team’s most respected players but opted to return for a senior season when he could have tried the NFL waters.

Hogan, obviously, has been handled far differently.

“There is a difference because the situations are different,” Stewart said. “Different case, different scenario. Different offenses.”