The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Chat tomorrow at 2 p.m.

The bell will ring on Round Two tomorrow and I’m going with a new tack. You can go to the page now and submit questions that will be waiting in queue and, of course, you can follow along live.

I’m going to try to get as many individuals in as I can this time, as opposed to just going in order of submission. The “Hey, why did Person A get in six times and I didn’t get in once?” was a good complaint. I’ll strive for more balance and inclusion this time … but feel free to ask six questions again, too.

Also, some observers who didn’t follow live last week and then saw that awful post, where I thought I had provided the transcript, were under the impression there were glitches with the actual chat.


It went very smooth. No issues, or none that I know of, at least.

Which leads to this: Any suggestions for this upcoming edition? I’m open to ideas.