The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Live chat 2 p.m. Thursday (update)

The first of either one or of many live chats is 2 p.m. Thursday. I’ll remind you of this many, many times between now and then, but consider this your first invitation/warning:

Ask me about live chats here …

Seriously, sign up for the email reminder. Feel free to slap this all over Facebook, Twitter and email so people you know will know. Heck, make sure people you don’t know will know.

(Update: We can change the future schedule, but Thursday’s chat is definitely 2 p.m. It’s been promoted in our print edition and it’ll come immediately after Chuck McGill does a Marshall version from 1-2 p.m. for the Daily Mail.

If you can’t make it, don’t worry. We’ll post the transcript on the blog. If you have a question you’d like to ask, but won’t be there to ask it, you can post it somewhere here in advance and  I’ll get to it.

Beyond this first edition, the times are not set. We can do this at any point on any day. I’d really like to make this work, so perhaps we can all work together to find the right time of day … or the right day.

I’d prefer not to do Mondays and Tuesdays because those are very busy days for me. Not to say I couldn’t handle it, but I don’t want to mail it in. Wednesday is fine. Thursday seem best. I travel to road games on Fridays, you probably travel to home games on Fridays and I don’t want to compromise Friday Feedback.  Oh, and don’t tell anyone, but I’m supposed to take Fridays off.

We target so-called “at work” hours because 1) a lot of people are in front of computer screens while at work 2) that’s when we have the most traffic here. That said, I’d be open to an “at home” hour if such a thing was agreed upon here.

Contrary to what you might think, there aren’t a lot of moving parts involved here. I’m actually running the entire thing from my laptop. I was stunned by the simplicity. We can do this, folks.)