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J.T. would rather not discuss his neck

… so we we’re going to discuss his neck. Don’t be mad. It sounds like good news.

He arrived late in the interview period Tuesday — which is not to be confused with arriving late to the event — and actually apologized to the media. Treatment, he said, takes some time.

“I know you want to go home,” he said. “I do, too.”

The first couple of questions were about the treatment and what he’s having done to help and J.T. made some jokes about being older and not as resilient as the young pups.

Then there were some questions about being a senior and finally hitting someone in another jersey, so on and so forth, and it took a while before he was asked about the neck.

That was the first of three questions in a row about the neck and he eventually said, quite politely, “Enough about the neck.” He assured everyone he’ll be fine and we’ll all get to see that Saturday.

Fair enough. But still, this has been going on for going on six months now and Thomas admitted that, yes, he was “a bit” worried, what with it being his neck and all, but also aware that he’s good to play.

“But, it’s nothing I can worry about, not when I can go out and practice,” Thomas said. “It’s nothing I can’t deal with.”

Thomas quite likely won’t play much Saturday and Oll Stewart made it sound like something of a test drive in which J.T. will go out and bang around and then meet up with the dealership later to talk about what he liked and did not like. Then they might start negotiations on the price, so to speak, J.T. will pay.

“Medically he needs to play to see how he’s going to react,” Stewart said, repeating what he’s been told by the team’s medical staff. “He’ll get in there and bang and do what he has to do, as all the linebackers will do, and at that point we’ll see what’s going on. He’s been cleared. He’s had MRIs. He’s medically sound. He would not play if he weren’t.”

So maybe Saturday J.T. rattles his teeth a few times and clears his mind. Maybe everone afterward says, “All clear,” and everyone moves on. I don’t think anyone is rooting for a different outcome. For now, yes, this does sound a little like the Reed Williams precedent, difference being Reed was significanlty more “hurt” , but that J.T. has significantly more concern with a neck. Both situations are alike in that they need to be able to protect themselves out on the field … and if nothing else, it’s a good sign J.T. is allowed to go out and play.