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Oliver Luck is thinking about the future and has a few ideas. How about some rennovations at Milan Puskar Stadium and the Coliseum?

” … The university and the state have made a significant investment in the program and I think in order to keep the momentum going, you have to bring new things to the table.”

Luck said keeping facilities up to date and on the same level as competitors in the conference, the region and the country is a top priority and “you’re almost never there.” Enhancing a football stadium is a logical fix.

“It’s a revenue generator,” he said. “It’s like the possibility of putting suites in here. It’s a very simple calculation. What do they cost? What can we sell them for? At what point to they start to kick off cash flow? I’m convinced we’ll need suites for the football stadium – additional suites – as well as suites (at the Coliseum) because I think the demand is there.”