The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, one of the best 11 and 11 best weekly features in a West Virginia newspaper blog devoted to WVU sports. It’s a high honor. One arrest-free weekend and WVU can stop messing with all the prerequisites and simply devote itself to football and maneuvering through what should — or is it could? — be a 3-0 start and maybe a matchup of top-15 teams in Baton Rouge. I can’t predict losses to Maryland or Marshall, unless WVU is just awful. And I don’t know if that’s going to happen on an early, healthy Saturday.

It occurred to me as I reviewed the depth chart earlier this week WVU has a number of seniors and a wealth of returning starters/regulars. That’s probably the most reasonable and readily attainable request a coach/player/booster/fan of a major college program can have — and I mean having 11 eligible Reggie Bushes on offense or 22 5-star senior starters are not reasonable requests. You’d like to have able veterans, preferably in reserve, too. The Mountaineers have that and look to make the most of it.

Then again, if you’d ask people where they absolutely don’t want to have concerns, they’d probably mention quarterback and offensive line early in their replies. Obviously, that’s two of WVU’s most worrisome areas … and it may all be unfounded concern. Yet it’s what’s written and talked about, and with reason. Until that reason is eliminated, it’s a valid point to consider when considering where the Mountaineers go this season.

But hey, just eight more days until the answers appear in some form on the field. Fun times, yes?

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, keep your head in the game.

BillyBall said:

D-mn you Casazza. I just returned from a european vacay with my bride and what do I see? The words “noooooo” and “Eu Smith” in the same paragraph!!! Nearly soiled myself.

Nearly? Nooooo!

Josh24601 said:

I think Dave Hickman’s Goatee has company: Colin Dunlap’s inscrutable RSS feed. Mr. Dunlap’s post on Geno’s Eu-to-G jerseymorphisis is the kind of WVU coverage I can get behind, but 3 minutes is my limit for searching for an RSS feed.

Just curious, but what are the goatee parameters? Because this is the kind of stuff I can get behind.

glibglub said:

Never mind the T-shirts. What about my line of Eu de Smith cologne? The bottle is designed to look just like a no-contact jersey. Very classy. I suppose we can just change the name to Eu de Geno. That was one of the names originally under consideration, but I really wanted to avoid the cheesy rhyme.

See? They never think of of the unintended victims.

r said:

In the sounds familiar territory:

Enes Kanter- Kentucky – played for a Turkish pro team, likely to be forced by the NCAA to sit some games. He played for a pro team, but supposedly he wasn’t paid because supposedly he was to young to sign a contract.

I’m very interested in the resolution here. There was a possibility this rule would be altered to “grandfather” in players, presumable players like Kanter. Never happened, though I wonder if a player is to be penalized  — and in this case, retroactively, in a very twisted way, since it would have been understandable to presume there may be no penalty — the punishment may be less severe.

jtmountaineer said:

Turkey hasn’t been the source of such calamity since Arthur Carlson thought they could fly.

I used a similar line with Less Nessman, but you beat me to it … Big Guy.

SheikYbuti said:

I was there on Saturday, and, never having witnessed the whole run-the-stair thing, found it interesting (probably more interesting than #32 did). Clarke was allowed to cool down by descending the stairs as slowly as he wanted, but when it came time to re-ascend, he did it in a hurry. It must have solved whatever the problem was, because he later scored on a nice power run.

When you say later, you mean “on his first play back.” Nice little response. Also, quick whistle by the ref!

hershy12 said:

Maybe Jenkins has been really solid because he has been getting a head start.

/shrugs shoulders

I don’t get i– oh. Nevermind.

Karl said:

Kirk Herbstreit did his Big East season preview on Sportscenter tonight and he made a pretty weird error regarding the Moutnaineers. Talking about the pressure on Coach Stewart, he said we failed to finish in the Top 25 in back to back years, which is unacceptable in Morgantown. We did finish in the Top 25 in both polls last year, though, and in the AP poll the year before.

For anyone counting, he picked Connecticut to win the league.

Yeah, take that pick to the bank! Or not. Saw the segment and immediately changed the channel after the top 25 thing. Can’t go on when that’s the evidence being presented.

Wayne said:

For what’s it worth, Jesse Palmer picked WVU saying that we have our best defense since ‘88. I don’t know if that’s a blessing or a curse.

Give him the rose!

hershy12 said:

When Shaun Alexander played for the Seahawks, they ran left like 85% of the time and he dominated, so you don’t NEED to run right.

The difference being Alexander had all-pros at LT and LG. And he was a horse. Sometimes a strength is not a strength because it’s such a strength … if that makes any sense.

overtheSEC said:

The Maj ran right, even when the entire team ran left.

Well done.

Josh24601 said:

Who else is rooting for there to be a reason to know this particular fullback as LINDAMOOD?

I’ll take it the next step: Who thinks this doesn’t happen? I see it popping up during or before the Marshall Texts from Game Day.

Josh24601 said:

If Matt Lindamood ever makes a game-changing play or is a major, visible factor in a significant WVU win, and no local media outlet uses a headline using “WVU fullback ‘Lindamood’ to lead Mountaineers to victory,’” then I don’t know anything and hate the world a little.

… and I say before.

Mr. M said:

It’s significant to note Lindamood is listed at the top of the Iron Mountaineers in the Squat at 645 lbs (up from 565 a year ago) and third in the Pro Agility Shuttle at 3.98 seconds (behind only Hogan and Austin). Also on the Dean’s List. A walk-on last year, I assume he now has a scholarship?

Kid’s a beast, no question. A beast on a scholarship now.

ccteam said:

Will the fans at Mountaineer Field get in a lindamood when it’s 3rd and short this fall?


Sam said:

So what you’re saying is that we can’t tackle?


Jeff in Akron said:

So, after I read and posted earlier this afternoon, I started walking around the house singing the old Conway Twitty song, Linda on my mind. A little while ago my wife walked up to me and asked, “Is there something you want to tell me?”

My initial response was laughter, which didn’t help my cause at all.


Sheik Ybuti said:

You think that’s rough? Try singing a few absent-minded bars of the 60s chestnut “If You Want to Be Happy” by Jimmy Soul: “If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you.”

Then I had to sing some George Thorogood: “Move over little dog, big ol’ dog movin’ in.”

Then the dog leaves and you drink alone. Moving on …

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:

Well, as long as JT stays away from coffee tables in hotel rooms, I think he will be ok.

On a serious note, I guess he never struck me as someone who would play in the NFL. I would be very happy to see him play professionally.

The potential is there, as is the reputation. Don’t get me wrong: He wouldn’t have been drafted this past April. This is the year he can tie them together and put them on another level.

rekterx said:

Yep. The DA is out in front on this one.


jj said:

This still does not explain the decision not to use Clarke more in the Cincinnati game. Cincinnati, if memory serves, struggled with stopping teams’ big backs with their interior defensive line. When WVU ran Clarke he busted through pretty well.
And then inexplicably they stopped feeding him the ball. Did Clarke get injured or too tired? Why not use Clarke for that third and nine?

Didn’t make sense then. Doesn’t now. I have an explanation. Wait. What? Oh …

lowercase jeff said:

because it was an absolutely terrible decision.

thats all.

hopefully they learned from it.

There you go.

Drew said:

Is there any indication who the backup QB is going to be?

I would hope they would get some PT against CC to at least wet there feet a little before they are potentially thrust into a meaningful game if Geno goes down.

Said it before, and right after Jeremy Johnson returned, but I think both backups play this year. Stewart’s giving strong indications now he’s open to doing just that.

Mr. M said:

Let’s see. Coach Galloway says he’s 6′1″. The “official” depth chart shows 5′10″ (And last year was listed at 5′11″). Is there a GOVERNMENT agency responsible for this misinformation?!

Wait — do you mean the government needs to take charge because it’s out of control or it’s out of control because the government is in charge? I’m not clear. I’d also say Bailey is 6-foot, tops. I wrote about this last year and it popped its head up again this year. Quinton Spain? Kid says he’s 6-4, 360 … and I believe it.

SheikYbuti said:

The real problem is that Coach Galloway is actually 5′8.”


Josh24601 said:

Keli Cunnin’ham ain’t nuthin to [m]uck wit
/wishing wishing made it so

Compliance Rules Everything Around Mountaineers. Scholar dollar bills, y’all!

JP said:

A real Powerpoint slide from the meeting:

Even though some rules may be “dumb,” they are still rules nonetheless.

You’re being funny, I know, but what would be wrong about that being a part of the presentation?

glibglub said:

The PPT presentation JP refers to is entitled “Rules. Ask Me About Rules.”

Also, I hear the caterer is making pastries in the shape of spider pads.

The caterer’s plans went sideways when she learned she had to wait until her third event. Sad. And speaking of Ask Me About …

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96:

Is their any truth to the rumor that right across the hall from this meeting there is a “Break Out” session entitled “Kick-off Coverage and You – Implementing a Plan”


Karl said:

I guess the news here is that Stedman is ahead of Starks? Great to hear about a young guy getting good enough to beat out a veteran for playing time.

I always like to see someone with a little bit of passing or offensive ability as the holder for place kicks, just to have that extra trick play threat on the field. Would be neat to see Starks there, since he can throw, run and has good hands.

Not sure, except that I’m sure the staff is really trying to get Starks going. When asked what wide receiver J.D. Woods had done to exit camp in such a favorable position, offensive coordinator Jeff Mullen said: “Show up.” I thought he might leave it at that, but he said Woods had done a lot while WVU was still waiting on converted quarterbacks and converted running backs and converted cornerbacks to do the same. Yeah.

Alli said:

Here is what I think is interesting: Jobe, who has more starts than anyone else on the OL (18) is now the back-up right guard. Does that mean we have a lot more depth now than we have in the past? Or are we still looking for the right combination out there?

Both? I’m thinking seven or eight guys will play in a game and someone like Jobe is potentially critical because he can play guard and center, but also allow Joe Madsen to play center and guard. Backup offensive linemen don’t seem like important players, especially here, where they were hardly used last season, but we may see value this season.

The 25314 said:

You forgot to include:


11 Bruce Irvin (Ten-stories, 200 stone, Jr.)


lowercase jeff said:

i like manimal

i also like “the boss”

either way, its so strange to hear so much about this guy, only to see him left off of every depth chart, predicted or offical, that is printed. i understand he’s a situational guy, but i mean, what does he do on running plays, run backwards?

To be honest, in normal game sitautions he wouldn’t play ahead of Miller, Clarke and Lageman. That’s the truth. He’s a potentially dynamic pass-rusher, but on a three-man front, you have to stop the run. Not play the run. Stop the run. He’s not yet there. Also, I wouldn’t close the book on him playing linebacker in your more common game situations this season.

roopoo said:

But since the #5 can’t be retired, or PW’s jersey even retired, I am ok with a guy wearing the number and fully knowing the accomplishments of those who have worn the jersey before. Many Universities have a tradition with certain numbers, and I would love for WVU to have one too.

I think you nailed it. A lot of people — me included — have made feelings known about the travesty done to Pat White. There’s no way around it, though, and everyone needs to accept it. That said, there’s no way to disrupt the way a fan’s emotions and memories are attached to a number. If the No. 5 always carries a certain reverance, it is, in some way, more special than no one getting to wear it again.

Erinn said:

I think I like this guy.

She means Sticks. I think. Anyhow, how about the way he stepped up to No. 5 and just owned it? And I’m going to say this again: Really humble kid.

Jeff in Akron said:

I’m against anyone wearing number 5. One year of non-use is all that Pat gets from WVU?

Mike you have provided a link to the jersey retirement requirements on the right because of this very question. By allowing another player to wear the number, so soon, diminishes the chance of ultimately getting that number retired. Though I doubt it was going to be retired for Pat anyway.

Further, what if sticks puts together a phenominal career at WVU, and then goes on to the pros and does the same. Possibly winning player of the year status in the NFL, etc. Does that mean that the no.5 gets retired for Sticks? What happens to Pat then, does he become a footnote?

Look, I’m not trying to be a negative Nancy, although I may be exactly that. Its just that the college game is all about tradition, and the greats that came before.

“Let me tell you what: someday down there by Sam Huff, there’d better be a No. 5 there… There better be a statue.”–Bill Stewart – Head Coach, West Virginia University.

Apparently, Stewart is going to do his best to see that quote fulfilled. Whether its for Pat White is no longer the issue.

Again, this has nothing to do with McCartney, or even oll Stew, and everything to do with Pat White and his contributions to Mountaineer football.

I don’t want to exasperate this debate … but the third paragraph is a potential nightmare.

EersNC said:

While we’d all like to see it retired, barring a change in the criteria, it isn’t going to happen. What I’d like to see in lieu of retirement is #5 becoming something like Syracuse’s #44, which was given to promising young players. It was considered a great honor to wear #44. It was eventually retired to honor the group of players that had worn it. In short, wearing #5 for the Mountaineers should be an honor. Sticks is, in my opinion, a good way to start such a tradition.

With 105 kids allowed in a preseason camp and then more invited as walk-ons, it’s hard to spread the numbers out and protect things like retirements. The 44 thing isn’t a bad idea.

Brother X said:

Hate to indirectly bring The Product up but if WVU isn’t going to retire #5 then they should follow the path laid down by Michigan with jersey number 1 (Syracuse, as EersNC mentioned, did the same thing for years with 44.)

I don’t know a single Mountaineer fan who would say that the number 5 isn’t special now in Mountaineer Lore. And, if they do, they’re kidding themselves.

Here’s hoping the kid proves himself ‘worthy’ of the number.

The Michigan thing would be allowing only receivers to wear No. 1. Ask Braylon Edwards how important that is.

overtheSEC said:

“Thank you everyone. Thank you, Tony. Tony Caridi, ladies and gentlemen. He coined the catchphrase ‘It’s a great day to be a Mountaineer wherever you may be.’ That’s much better than his first draft which was ‘It’s a great day to be anywhere but in Buffalo, New York.’ Jay Jacobs of course made the drive in tonight. Jay is so old we have to remind him every couple of weeks that we call it a hoop these days and not a peach basket anymore. I see my old buddy Andy Kennedy is here. Andy, please tell me you rented a car and didn’t take a taxi to get here. Ron Everhart, Frank Martin and John Calipari? Am I being roasted or getting to be a ‘made man’ tonight? But let’s be honest, five years ago, Ron Everhart couldn’t spell Duquesne if you spotted him the first six letters. I figure when John Calipari roasts you it can’t be that bad because it’s only a couple of years until the NCAA will wipe any existence of it ever happening. Am I right?”

Enjoy the weekend!