The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

No. 5 alive

Sticks McCartney wanted to wear No. 1 at West Virginia. When he found out it belonged to Tavon Austin, he also discovered the only numbers available were 85 and 5.

Being Chad Ochocinco’s cousin, McCartney didn’t want to start his college career in a relative’s shadow and have to deal with the reaction it might create. Just imagine the stereotypes that relationship might cast upon him.

He instead chose to play in Pat White’s shadow — with absolutely no reservations about what reaction that might create.

McCartney said he was “aware of what that number means to Mountaineer Nation,” but was willing to try the tradition on for size.

“I took No. 5 because I want to put my own legacy on it,” McCartney said. “I admire what Pat White did with No. 5, but I feel like it’s time for a new legacy to be put on No. 5.”

Believe it or not, he actually seems like a pretty humble and selfless kid.