The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

More trapped wildlife?

More trapped wildlife!

Disclaimer: If you didn’t care for this wilderness-inspired chapter of the blog, I’d suggest you not continue with this post. You might not like what follows.

Clearly, this creature did not get the memo about the possum. And for that, it paid. I have enough trouble with water getting in the basement of my 90-year-old house, so, no, I don't need this fellow tunneling right at the side of my house, jeopardizing the foundation and creating a funnel for rain water to flow into my basement.


A $50 deposit on a trap and a couple bucks for ripe peaches fixed the problem. A few hours after setting the trap, the groundhog took the bait. I was at the Fishbowl and a friend came by and excitedly reported seeing the animal in the trap. Check, please…
Fortunately, Colin Dunlap, of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, was there to handle the breaking news. His presence made this a sports topic, and thus permissible to post here.
This highly agitated animal had to be transported miles away so it wouldn't find its way back home — I guess they do that all the time. This was actually pretty dangerous. It was not at all happy to be extricated, something made very clear by thrashing in the cage and gnashing its teeth.
My wife thought this was a good location. No one would argue, but mostly because the groundhog smelled terribly.
So, on your mark …

… get set …
… gone! And for some reason, it didn't run into a wooded area as we'd expedted, but decided to cut back, brush by my feet and run across the road. Presumably to get to the other side.