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Chris Beatty can take the heat


In a normal first week, Chris Beatty’s insistence to wear a sweat shirt, athletic pants and a bucket hat throughout the at times obnoxiously hot practices would be the most unbelievable thing to transpire. Obviously that is not the case this week. 

What’s so strange is Beatty (he’s in the middle above, in case you hadn’t noticed) never seems to be sweating. Believe me, I’ve paid far too much attention to this. I was almost melting standing still. Dave Johnson wears long sleeves and pants and you can see him sweating through his top. Beatty doesn’t even have sweat beading up and rolling off of his face. He leaves the field in dry clothes.

Explanation? Beatty’s wearing more than we can see, believe it or not.

“I got layers on underneath, two long-sleeve shirts under that,” Beatty revealed. “I’m sweating, too, but it doesn’t show.”

Now one may ask when everyone is dying from the heat and Beatty is wearing three long-sleeve shirts and long sweat pants?

“I don’t want to say superstitious, that’s not a good thing, but it’s kind of one of those things I’ve always done, wearing sweat shirts. That’s always been my deal since I was playing,” Beatty said.

You might say he’s playing it cool by staying hot. 

Since it’s suddenly a good idea to go back and look at photos from past practices, I’m reminded Beatty really has done this for quite some time and seems to have added to the repertoire.