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This might be fun

Bob Huggins roast, anyone?

Mark your calendars for Friday, Sept. 3 at 7 p.m. On that date and time there will be a celebrity roast of coach Bob Huggins at the Waterfront Place Hotel in Morgantown with proceeds from the event benefiting the Norma Mae Mae Huggins Cancer Research Endowment Fund at The Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center.

Among those scheduled to attend the event include John Calipari, Frank Martin, Andy Kennedy, Ron Everhart, former Auburn football coach Terry Bowden, plus some surprise guests. Once they’re done roasting Huggs, he will get a chance to have the last word.

I’m sure he’ll get some ribbing at the event, so I hope he’s healed and not troubled by laughter by then. By the way, the basketball coach is back at work this week.