The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

WVU self-reports another secondary violation

True. And since the AP doesn’t bother with attribution, the Daily Mail and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette were first to report this.

NCAA rule concerns the “five-day acclimatization period,” which begins with the first practice, and how it is to proceed.

Specifically, subsection (d) states:

“During the first two days of the acclimatization period, helmets shall be the only piece of protective equipment student-athletes may wear. During the third and fourth days of the acclimatization period, helmets and shoulder pads shall be the only pieces of protective equipment student-athletes may wear. During the final day of the five-day period and on any days thereafter, student-athletes may practice in full pads.”

The Big East Conference, of which WVU is a member, led a charge to change the rule in 2007, only to see it rejected in 2008.

Multiple photos and videos taken during practice Saturday and Sunday and published in print or on the Internet show various WVU players in lightweight shoulder pads known as “vests” or “spider pads.”