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First, the third-year coach insists Super Noel must add a Santana Moss element to his game to benefit the offense. Never satisfied, Stewart would like to have Devine be the Mardy Gilyard + Reggie Bush (sans NCAA infractions) in special teams.

Piece of cake.

It may be just desserts, though. Stewart wants badly for WVU to change the reputation of its special teams, which means changing an attitude among players.

“We got it better, but we’ve slid a little bit and I’ll tell you why,” Stewart said. “It’s this attitude of some defensive guys, some offensive guys, who’ve got to get out of this, ‘Let the other guy do special teams.’ That’s bull crap.”

When practice begins, Stewart will introduce his third team to a new reality. There will be more special teams drills and more time devoted to the craft on the field and in the film room.

“I’m going to make a strong impression,” Stewart said. “If we want to win double digits, we’ve got to play all three phases. Right now, we’ve been good at phase one and phase two, offense and defense, defense and offense, whatever way you want to say it, but phase three? Special teams? We were the best there for a while and now we haven’t been for a while.”