The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Friday Feed–nah

(While I’m away, don’t forget the Big East poll.)

This is, in fact, a feedback edition in that I provide feedback to your feedback. However, had I put “Friday Feedback” as the title, it would have been recorded as the 114th version of F Double. There have been just 113. Such recordkeeping is important for, say, anniversary editions.

Anyhoo, kudos to the comments, email and Facebook messages (!) with tips for how to conduct the week away. There was one really good idea I wish I could have done something about. An emailer suggested doing a “Best of” series. Fantastic idea, I thought. Then I started to think about which were the best. What makes the best? How do I determine it? And who am I to make those decisions? I needed more time, and help, but I will open it up, now and in the future. Seems like something we can do, yes?

Additionally, I’d like to one day get into guest bloggers, but there are a lot of things to sort and iron out first. And truth be told, the writer doesn’t carry the water here. He gets a lot of help.

Which leads to the plan: The way this blog is set up, the homepage will always show the 10 most-recent posts. On Monday morning, you’ll find I’ve planted 10 posts on a variety of topics — some serious, some silly, some strange. I think it’ll cover everything — possible happenings, topics of conversation and debate, time killers, life-changers. Most importantly, it’ll involve and feature you.

Full disclosure: I’m going to keep an occasional eye on things because I have an informed hunch something is indeed going to happen next week. As always, the bat signal is at the ready.

Enjoy the weekend. And the subsequent week. And then the following weekend. Back July 26 and I’ll pick this thing up and take it above where it’s been the past few weeks. Honest.