The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

The man in black weilds considerable power

The field for the Jam Fest isn’t entirely what it was billed to be, as is often the case. Chase Chane Behanan decided to skip the event, as did Kadeem Jack. Both are top 2012 targets for WVU, Behanan being perhaps the top.

There’s still talent with many of the aformentioned participants on hand. And then there is immense talent. I saw the Bhullar brothers in person and they are absolutely humongous.

They had never before been around a major college team. But … the Mountaineers had never been around anyone quite like them, either. Deniz Kilicli, WVU’s Turkish freshman power forward, asked if they’d pose with him for a picture. Kilicli is listed on West Virginia’s roster at 6-foot-9 and 260 pounds, and was often described as a “beast” in recruiting profiles. He wanted the photo because the visitors made him look small.

I couldn’t help it. I watched these guys move yesterday just to see how they did it. Do they strut? Stroll? Limp? Lumber? I always figure the way a big guy moves in casual circles is probably somewhat indicative of how he moves in athletics. Ie, Luke Bonner was … off. It looked to me like I could sneak up on him and push him over at any moment.

My observation of the Bhullars was difficult. The hallway at the rec center was crowded so they did a lot of stop-and-go walking. I did notice this, though. People don’t move out of their way. They flee.

I didn’t get a chance to watch them play — they played in Blacksville — but one report I got was “eh.” That’s not a surprise. I’ve heard worries about conditioning and, frankly, AAU is not a great place for centers.

They can thrive, though, which leads me to Daniel Ochefu. A quasi-Greg Monroe, he was in the background for much of the game I watched Wednesday … before taking over and dominating a 17-0 run. Quite impressive. Many schools want the 6-10 center in the 2012 class, including WVU, which was represented Wednesday by Billy Hahn.

“Billy was the first college coach who came to the gym to watch Daniel play,” said Berger, the former CEO of AND1. “He’s been a constant presence in the gym and at games and workouts. He’s done a fantastic job recruiting Daniel. It matters a lot.”

Hahn was the head coach at Philadelphia’s La Salle University and worked a few years with the Hoop Group, which has a very strong presence in the city. Hahn sat on the baseline and underneath the basket watching Westtown’s opening game.

“Daniel knows Billy’s face, he knows when he’s in the gym,” Berger said. “Obviously, through Philly, I have a lot of relationships with people and I think nothing but the best of him. Billy Hahn matters a lot for Daniel.”