The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom


The first of many summer vacations begins Friday and I return to work July 26. I’m never sure what to do when I’m gone. We’ve tried various things in the past. Some have worked. Some have not. Nevertheless, I’ve discovered three things as I’ve thought about this:

1) With the past as the proof, something big absolutely will happen when I’m away. It will.
2) When someone says “What are you gonna do with the blog when you’re gone?” a shrug of the shoulders is not acceptable.
3) Since I don’t check the blog (often?) when I’m away, I don’t know what you’re looking for to serve as a sufficient replacement.

So, logically, I’ll pass the buck. What do we do for next week? One open post? Five? Nothing? I’ll consider anything within reason … and while guest bloggers are within reason, it can’t happen. Anyhow, have at it.