The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Devin Ebanks not as “ablaze” as Mike Gansey

Mr. Gansey marked his return to the NBA Summer League with a random outburst yesterday. Playing for the D-League Select team, Gansey went on his own little 10-0 run in the first half with three consecutive 3-pointers. “Heat check … and one!”

Gansey ended up with 15 points. He was 5-for-6 and made all three of his 3-point attempts in 17:44 on the floor. The Select gave the Suns a battle, but were outscored by 14 in the second half and lost 96-88.

Ebanks and the Lakers fell to 0-3 and, right on cue, Ebanks struggled. He shot 2-for-13 and 0-for-2 from 3-point range. He had seven points, five rebounds and four turnovers in 39:13.