The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback which swears off Horatio Cain, Crockett and Tubs, The  U, Gloria Estefan, any and all sound machines, catchy Will Smith songs and, sorry, Pat White and Da’Sean Butler.

Just because it happened doesn’t mean I have to acknowledge it. So I won’t. This is maybe irrational, maybe not. In fact, I grandmothered in “Golden Girls” because of Betty White and I am weighing one more exception.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, don’t press.

Dr Love said:

My brother is a waiter in Las Vegas and waited on DiCaprio recently while he was wearing said hat. My brother asked Mr. DiCaprio if he was a WVU fan. Mr. DiCaprio replied that he just liked the hat and was not familiar with the Mountaineers.

Thank God. Can we put that story to bed now? I’ll tuck it in and read it a bedtime story if that’s what takes.

jtmountaineer said:

Well, since this has officially become the Lebron thread, let me say how cool it will be for Da’sean to play with LBJ, Wade, and Bosh next year. They won’t be able to afford anyone but mid-level exceptions and second round picks, which means Da will be able to make th roster and probably contribute pretty soon after he heals. That makes me smile.

That’s the only thing that doesn’t sicken me. I remember once talking to Butler about how bad the Knicks were and the gist of his solution was to draft him in the 2010 draft and then sign LeBron. Not exactly the way he planned it, but I doubt he’s complaining.

overtheSEC said:

This morning on Mike and Mike, Greeny was talking with Tim Legler about having James and Wade on the court together.  He asked Legler, if it comes down to the final play, who do you give the ball to?  I was yelling at the tv, “Da’sean Butler!!!”

Well, he’ll be open.

Jeff Halladay said:

Every time I went to a major signing or recruiting-related press conference, I thought about how self-aggrandizing the whole process was. If ‘The Player You Obviously Refuse To Name’ leaves Cleveland, this circus act is a direct slap in the city’s face and the ultimate ‘look at me’ moment.

It seems that slap is going to be a hard one too…taking less money and potentially ‘dethroning’ his King status to play with friends, rather than bringing them to him. In time, he could have done the latter.

As a Pittsburgh guy, I rarely empathize for Ohio (especially Cleveland), but tonight, I’ll be booing right along with them.

Didn’t even realize I left his name out. Oh well. I knew it was over when Bosh said he didn’t want to play in Cleveland. It’s not the most attractive NBA city, I’ll admit, and that had to resonate with regard to the future. Still, wouldn’t it have been nice for the Cavs to get something back in a sign-and-trade to better position the team for the future? But no, less moeny and no compensation.

jtmountaineer said:

Having no connection to Cleveland, I fail to see the cause for outrage. Mild bemusement, consternation, or even chagrin at a network giving an hour of primetime to one player’s announcement? Okay, a bit much, but Lebron gets the publicity, ESPN gets far, far higher ratings than they would have procured with billiards or Kansas City v. Toronto or whatever feeble programming they would have otherwise aired, and the proceeds of advertising go to charity, for god’s sake.

As an abiding, lifelong fan of the NBA, I do blame the Cavaliers bad decisions in trying to assemble a team capable of supporting him. Point to other NBA franchises if you like, the Lakers of the 80s and the 2008-10 seasons, the Bulls around Jordan, but those teams had a coach in Phil Jackson with a bonafide basketball philosophy, an offensive style, that can be coached. I feel bad for the city of Cleveland and the Cavs fans, and yes, the live telecast of his decision, if he leaves as it seems he will, won’t be the most thoughtful move for those fans. But the media–yep, the media–began writing this story two years ago, and it’s much less a story if New York hadn’t been the ones getting their hopes up way back then.

Good for Lebron, if he goes to Miami, for taking less money and trying to win championships. Good for Lebron, if he stays in Cleveland, for showing some loyalty to the team that drafted him and the area where he grew up. But shame on anyone who begrudges him the choice and the attention *we* have decided it warrants–maybe not you or me, but we, whoever that is.

If you’re connected to Cleveland — and I mean really connected; I don’t believe to be really connected — you get the outrage. And it was all set up in a way where he could take a hit for the way he conducted his business, but then point to something else to make it seem noble or understandable, ie. charity, it’s a business, it’s 2010, etc. I get it. I just don’t think it had to be that way. And what would have been so bad about giving that big check to an Akron charity?

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:


I share your setiments exactly. We don’t need an hour long program for someone to tell us common folks where he/she will be employed next season. I didn’t think anything would ever top the Brett Farve coverage, but I was oh so wrong!

I haven’t watched a NBA game since the late 80’s because I am sick of the attitude of the players nowadays (I’m only 36) and their lack of respect for the game, others, and themselves. Rekterx has it right when he advises not to watch the NBA – believe me, I don’t and won’t!

Mike, in the final analysis, things could always be worse. You could be having a blog entrytonight at 9:00PM telling your readers that you will be moving to Huntington and to cover Marshall sports

Perspective! Also, Chuck McGill just sent me anthrax.

jtmountaineer said:

I’m tired of people boasting about not watching the NBA because the players are selfish, not team players, arrogant, egotistical, self-promoting, and ignorant to the “history of the game.” Some are. You’ll have that in most sports. But if you truly love the game of basketball, why don’t you want to see it played by the greatest athletes in the world? You may say the NBA game in its current form is missing the fundamentals, but that’s simply not true. Some teams don’t play defense; some teams launch 3 after 3; some teams rely too heavily on one or two players. And none of those teams win championships or advance very far in the playoffs.

I love college basketball as much as anyone, and especially now that WVU is in its second golden age, and games are often more “exciting” in college because there are fewer of them, but the NBA game is more polished, more sophisticated, and more fun to watch when one doesn’t have a horse in the race.

As someone who has watched since the 80s, the game hasn’t changed much. At all, really.

It’s a fine product and for the resons you state. And there are detractors for the reasons you state. For my purposes, I just never got into it and probably because I was around losing teams in Cleveland and Washington, D.C. Also, I see enough basketball as it is with my job and if I started following the NBA I’d begin boxing out my wife at the fridge and hand-checking my dog before she jumps on the sofa.

rekterx said:

Mike, you have it covered either way. Watch the stupid show and do a blog entry on it. Or don’t watch the stupid show and do a blog entry on what you did instead of watching the stupid show.

I’ll still like you either way.

Thanks. I watched in a bar (take that, Nielsen’s ratings!) with the sound down low. I figured I had my bases covered. And yet, I still heard, I believe, someone ask the question, “On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a 0 and 10 being 100…” That blew my mind.

jtmountaineer said:

Can anyone who has read Dan Gilbert’s letter sincerely tell me that’s an owner you’d want to play for? If those are the true colors of the man who wrote Lebron’s checks for 7 years, how can anyone begrudge him for seeking another employer?

From yesterday’s blog: “I mentioned precedent-setting before with regard to introducing a wave of this sort of nonsense, but what about the inherent hatred that can be generated here. It’s borderline historic if he doesn’t stay. I promise you that. You’re talking about a city that’s pretty good with grudges.” I had a feeling something significant would happen for a reaction. I didn’t expect the ower, Dan Gilbert, to drop a nuke. But then again, it’s the city. How else should the people react than with hostility? They’re proud and scorned people and it sucks to be told you’re not good enough to warrant someone’s attention. What if, as suggested, there wa sa deal to get BOsh in a sign-and-trade and it was betrayed? Also, stop showing people burning his jersey. Who cares? That’s tame.

oklahoma mountaineer said:

Not a Cavs fan, but last night’s special brought back other bad memories for me…..

I have to admit that I did tune into this spectacle last night and, after watching it, I felt like it was Dec 17, 2007, all over again with the Product….right down to the “I’ve given everything for the past 7 years to elevate them to places where they have never been” paraphrase.

This after a last game where the effort in the performance of the person was widely called into question. Widely written on the Internet regarding James’ level of effort against the Celtics and God knows the conspiracy theories that abound that Rod intentionally threw the game to Pitt so he could extracate himself from WVU following the 2007 season.

The owner of the Cavs sounds like a fan — albeit one who pays the bills. He offered more and longer than any other team could, paid a $100M payroll last year for an early exit, and seems committed to doing it for another extended period had James wanted to stay. People with that type of money are not used to be told “no thanks” and that, in essence, is what happened.

In honor of this day, I have dug out the thumbs up Fraud Rod pic from 2006 where he proclaims his allegiance to WVU and that he will be here “for a long time” and made it the backdrop on my computer screen.

Glad you said that. I thought something similar and you articulated it very nicely. We’ve been over this before here, but it’s not nearly as hard as you’d believe for me to understand by people cry after 13-9 or why they expect something like Butler’s ACL just because they root for WVU. Misery, as always, has company.

Dave said:

Fine, fine, you got me … had to google Gunter Parche.

Are you glad you did?

The 25314 said:

I am taking my talents to the smoking musket.

Emotional time, I’m sure.

rekterx said:

In all fairness to Mr. Wolford the issue of research was never addressed. The number of articles, columns, etc. was enumerated. But the issue of actual research was simply ignored.

Maybe the Daily-Mail did an in depth research piece on the relationship of Governor Manchin, Mike Garrison, and Heather Bresch. I don’t remember it. Maybe the Daily-Mail did an in depth research piece on other issues and people connected with that scandal. I don’t remember it.

Maybe the Daily-Mail only regurgitated what everyone else was reporting. I don’t remember.

But I do know this. That man’s charge that significant aspects of the way things are done in WV is never seriously investigated by the WV media was not answered. And frankly, my gut tells me that he is on to something.

Well, speaking for myself, I believe it wasn’t answered because it frankly didn’t deserve an answer. Why dignify something with a response when you have no incentive to create an implication of guilt. Very WVU of the Daily Mail. I’m not sure what’s the best part about this, but I’ll list some candidates:

1) Mr. Wolford’s attack was launched with a “And this is news?” missle … in response to a post on Facebook.
2) Someone at the Daily Mail answers playfully and Mr. Wolford throws out the eMBA bomb … presumably because it’s relevant. He makes an allegation Charleston media, as a whole, doesn’t research.
3) Someone at the Daily Mail then answers playfully again — mind you, on Facebook — that, in order to “set the record straight, we didn’t research the hat, either.”
4) Mr. Wolford uses that as an admission of guilt and then says “Charleston media” panders to a target audience. That, I believe, was supposed to be an insult.
5) This Leo story was the top-hitter on the Daily Mail Web site and this post was No. 1 this week — by far — on this blog.
6) Dale Wolford. I know people who “friended” his based on this.

Kara said:

I bet he’s a Marshall fan. Seriously.

I mean, OK: In-state rivalry! Other school sucks! Boo hiss!

But I routinely see anti-WVU sentiment expressed on the part of Marshall fans in the comments on Daily Mail and Gazette stories that goes way, way beyond sports fanaticism to the point of denigrating the character of any person or institution who is perceived to support WVU.

I just don’t understand. I’m not cheering for the Thundering Herd in the fall or winter, but I don’t have a seething hatred for the school and everything associated with it. Maybe some WVU fans do; I just see it coming from Marshall fans every time I click on a WVU-related story.

If a famous actor with no clear connection to the school was running around in Marshall gear, that would be equally interesting.

I don’t know you, Kara, but I like you. You visit, you comment and you’re constructive and insightful. For that, I’ll give you this advise: Don’t read the comments at the end of the stories.

rekterx said:

OK. Add EP’s emeritus status and pay to the legacy of that slippery name.

Honestly, I threw that line in for one reason … and rekterx, you caught me. Just wanted to see if you were reading.

glibglub said:

I really am abnormally curious about Noreen’s charter school in the Minnesota strip mall near Target. I keep picturing kids sitting at their desks in a cavernous former Circuit City or possibly a Linens ‘n Things.

Too big. There’s like 150 kids there total. I envision an Orange Julius.

Birch said:

If you look at the satellite image of the school, it sits next to Radio Shack (science class) and Dollar Tree (economics class).

Useful. The Orange Julius is lunch.

the 25314 said:

Who eats at Wings Ole? But I guess the Product had good reason; eating there is like hiding in plain site.

Never been. I know people who are loyal and far more people who are disgusted by it. For some reason, I always envisioned a BW3/Los Mariachis fusion restaurant, ie. Mexican chicken wings, where the wings are tossed in salsa. Apparently this is not the case. Also, and I can’t confirm this for obvious reasons, but it was relayed to me a certain blog’s report on The Product’s cameo was referred to on the radio as “TMZ.” Um, thanks?

SheikYbuti said:

Take it from me, who used to frequent the original Wings-N-Things (only later called Wings Ole’) on Wharf Street, before they tore it down and put in some fancy-pants hotel, it is indeed an effing special place. I try to make it to either of the newer locations whenever I’m in town. It is MUCH better than Jimmy Johns (and did you know that we have one in Charleston?). I’m not sure we’re getting the whole story on The Product’s most recent escapade. I heard he was also trying to get out the door with the tip jar, mumbling something about the practice facility needing state-of-the-art door locks, or some such nonsense.

… and then somebody said, “He’s lost his mind.”

oklahoma mountaineer said:

PLEASE, oh please, tell me that part of the BE contingency plan is to move Nova into the conference in football. Further watering of the schedule does not help in putting schools into the national discussion (at least in a positive way).

Last night, College Football Live put the BE and ACC as 5 and 5a and one of the guys said that the MWC was seriously considered for the 6th slot. How do you like the Big Whatever and Big 12 (who is actually 10) reprimanding coaches for speaking the truth — Big Whatever does not measure up the SEC and the Big 12 (who is actually 10) not being on the same plain as the SEC.

At least the Big East did not do that to oll Stewart……

It might be part of the Big East’s plan, but it doesn’t seem to be part of Villanova’s plan. As best as I can tell from talking with others, the money isn’t there to support the program the way a Big East program needs to be supported. Villanova supports its small sports really well and has maximized its dollars spent on basketball. A lot of people want to use UConn as an example. UConn had a lot in place and was so far ahead of a long plan to go to FBS that it was actually able to make the jump before it had previously planned. UConn had a stadium with which to work. Villanova’s house seats 12,500 people. That doesn’t work. Now fully fund 85 scholarships. That’s a big jump from 62 at Villanova, where tuition, room and board and books and supplies is about $45,000. Now you’ve got to schedule. Since you have a small stadium — at least until you complete stadium additions … which you have to pay for, by the way — you’ll need some buy-in/guaranteed games. That means you take some beatings for a paycheck, and those beatings don’t excite the home fans to come to your games … and Philly isn’t a big college football town. Let’s just allow that you find a way to play games at a larger stadium in the area — Temple, maybe Eagles, someone. Now say you balance home and away games and make it financially reasonable — and I have no idea how that happens. Now you’ve got to travel to games and with a bigger team. Look at the Villanova schedule this year. Bus rides. You’re not bussing to South Florida or Louisville and maybe not to those guarantee games, either. Now Villanova would get some of the Big East’s revenue sharing, and that’s nice, but it doesn’t solve all the problems. It’s just not as easy as it’s being presented to be.

BillyBall said:

Sorry but I think that pausing is the wrong approach. The BE and WVU need to be proactive, not reactive. We may not be holding all the aces but we need to DO something and stop hypothecating. Let everyone else pause while we get some things going. We are way behind as it is.

My initial reaction was “Be proactive by doing what?” because I don’t see a way WVU can be proactive right now. Then I had an idea. “The Decision: WVU.” What if WVU were to become a free agent? We can agree — and the group includes Oliver Luck — the conference clearing house is not over. There are going to be additions and subtractions and conferences will shrink an expand. So what if WVU came out and said, “Listen, we’re looking to make a move. We’re available. We know things will happen and we want you to know we’re ready. We’ve got football and basketball and strong Olympic sports. We make money every year. We travel …” so on and so forth. Just put it out there. Let the intentions be known and then, when it all happens as WVU expects, it can have its own TV special to make its announcement where it’s heading next.

Dave said:

So … you’re included in a poll and you’re not sure where to rank the teams, but you’re not going to tell us regardless? I think you could have been more efficient than 3 paragraphs.

Efficient is not a word used often in my presence.

Drew said:

I don’t know how you could leave this quote from your full story out, particularly in regard to the Stackhouse comparison and the Hornacek incident you linked:

“He’s a nasty kind of guy, like Coach Huggins, from what I hear, and just a very ferocious and vicious and aggressive player. He’s the kind of player who’d stomp his grandmother to win a game.”

It’s a beauty, I must admit. That said, Huggins reads this blog first thing every morning and I didn’t want him to awake to the idea he’s an accepted granny stomper.

glibglub said:

So generally, we’re going to have a team of strip-mall-storefront-schooled-perfect-ACT-scoring-vicious-grandmother-stomping type guys.

Ideally, yes.

Josh24601 said:

Photo of Huggs recruiting and yukking it up with ol’Roy Williams–and wearing jorts:

Your argument is invalid.

Are they laughing at one another’s shorts? And would you laugh at me if I said I was at a jorts-themed birthday party last weekend?

Drew said:

Can’t click the link, but Huggs in jorts?

He is officially the antithesis of Jay Wright.

The infamous gold suit, sweat pants, pullovers, jorts and 4-5 forward lineups


Designer suits, voted best dressed NCAA basketball coach, and 4 guard lineups

Agreed. Someone texted me this week and wondered what happened to the 2007-08 pullover with the enormous Flying WV on it. I said I hadn’t seen it since Steve & Barry’s closed … and that probably wasn’t a coincidence.

SheikYbuti said:

If it’s good enough for John Cena, then by God it’s good enough for Huggs.

John Cena, for the uninformed, is a WWE wrestler uniformed in jorts. Until a month or so ago, I was unaware jorts were out.

glibglub said:

Jean shorts inventor: real man of genius.

Yeah, I’m confused. Why are jorts out?

oklahoma mountaineer said:

Curious on getting everyone’s opinion on this…..does this affect recruiting of western PA in any way? Many of the games on on the tube; however, the vibe of the home announcers can not be underestimated.

Seems to me that this is a small win, but the biggest one is who wins the head-to-head games. That’s why 13-9 hurt SO bad in 2007 and, hopefully, why 19-16 will hurt them as we go forward.

It can’t hurt, unless the team tanks it and the station carries a 12-game advertisement about a poor season/coach/program/future. Conversely, if it goes well, the Pittsburgh area is saturated by all the good things MSN will say about the team. Goes both ways, but it’s a coup for WVU.

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:

Attention Dennis Lamme:

Dave Wanstedt and his crutches wish to speak with you in the parking lot.

“What’s taking Lamme so long? He better run faster.”

The 25314 said:

So does that make Tony Caridi Western PA’s Tokyo Rose?

Enjoy the weekend!