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More hat news from Mr. DiCaprio

That’s from the World Cup Saturday. The funny thing, to me at least, is initially they showed Leo and he was looking off to the side and you could tell he was wearing a hat, but you weren’t sure which school he was endorsing.

“Wait, it’s blue,” I thought. “Maybe it’s the … oh, yep. It is.”

I then called my wife to the television and we just kind of laughed. This is becoming one of my favorite sports sub-plots. Why, I even got two emails this morning from Hollywood-based radio/blog people wanting to know if I knew something they did not. 

Again, I contend it’s just a guy wearing hats, but at some point he’s packing for South Africa and he makes the decision to pack the WVU hat. And as best as we can tell, there’s no correlation other than he rather likes the hat/logo. That’s pretty neat on some level.

Just don’t tell Dale Wolford. Things got oddly heated on the Daily Mail’s Facebook post.

Dale A. Wolford
And this is news?
Saturday at 11:56am · Flag
Charleston Daily Mail
On a holiday weekend Saturday on Facebook?

It’s news enough.

Saturday at 11:59am · Flag
Sharon Lyn Stackpole
Saturday at 11:59am · Flag
Charleston Daily Mail
More examples of holiday weekend Saturday news: “Pools busy!” “Farmers markets popular!” “Fireworks expected in various towns!”
Saturday at 12:03pm · Flag
Amy McCormick
Right on!
Saturday at 12:04pm · Flag
Dale A. Wolford
No it isnt news. However, it is what I expect from the Charleston media. Cover an actor wearing a WVU hat, but no research at all when MBA’s scandels are happening at the same university as the hat the actor is wearing? That isnt news so you allowed the Pittsburgh Post Gazette to cover that story.
Saturday at 12:13pm · Flag
Brad Davis
He’s been making some killer movies over the last few years. Gangs of New York is one of my all-time favorites.
Saturday at 12:16pm · Flag
Charleston Daily Mail
To set the record straight, we didn’t research the hat, either.
Saturday at 12:30pm · Flag
AliciaandScott Smarr
Aww…why can’t people just find a way to get along. Don’t sweat the small stuff! Life is good, and it’s what you make it! 🙂
Saturday at 12:34pm · Flag
Mark Saffron
Great publicity for West Virginia. Way to go, Leonardo!
Saturday at 12:42pm · Flag
Dale A. Wolford
Glad to finally see you folks admit you dont research. Any way I’d rather see news from the media as opposed to some actor wearing a hat at a sporting event. You can continue on now with your feel good non-researched news.
Saturday at 12:49pm · Flag
Charleston Daily Mail
I think it’s possible you are taking our Facebook page too seriously.
Saturday at 12:55pm · Flag
Alice McGill
Everyone should play nice
Saturday at 1:18pm · Flag
Amy McCormick
Dale-Why are you a fan of the Daily Mail? Don’t like their publication, yet your a fan? What a downer to a light hearted post. Be thankful for a slow news day, frankly I get sick of all the bad news. Thanks Daily Mail from Shepherdstown!
Saturday at 1:36pm · Flag
AliciaandScott Smarr
Saturday at 1:37pm · Flag
Mary Ellen Terry Baughman
It’s a lot better news that hearing about rapes and murders…and what not… even thought they are prob. more “news worthy” I like to see positive stuff once in a while… Keep it up Daily Mail..
Saturday at 2:09pm · Flag
Anita Chapman
Wonder where he got it?
Saturday at 3:12pm · Flag
David Townsend
Thanks for posting. Keep up the GREAT work despite what others say. Leo has been spotted wearing various school hats, but I have seen many pics of him with the WVU. I think it is a favorite of his. Going to share this with all of the WVU fans!!! GO MOUNTAINEERS!!!!
Saturday at 4:06pm · Flag
Dale A. Wolford
Amy, either you report the news or you report news to a target audience. Big difference. And yes, CDM poster…I probably did take your news posting to seriously. Sorry to be a downer and as I said in an earlier post your fine folks can carrying on getting your non researched, feel good news. I just expect more I guess.
Saturday at 5:36pm · Flag
Charleston Daily Mail
Not to give you an aneurysm — but Leo’s headgear is the most popular item at today — followed by pictures of Jessica Simpson at the Greenbrier casino.
Saturday at 6:54pm · Flag
Anita Chapman
I was more excited to see Debbie Reynolds and Brooke Shields there.
Saturday at 8:56pm · Flag
Dale A. Wolford
No aneurysm because that doesnt come as a surprise to me. Like I said the Charleston media supplies news to a target audience. You’ve proven that as well as admitting no research is done to cover the real stories. It is very unfortunate state citizens have to rely on that type of coverage, but it is what it is. No reply necessary because I’ve gotten everything and more out of this thread.
Yesterday at 10:11am · Flag
Charleston Daily Mail
Dale, thank you for your comments. We invite you to support journalistic excellence through a subscription:
21 hours ago · Flag
Ann Booth
20 hours ago · Flag
Ann Booth
20 hours ago · Flag
Charleston Daily Mail
If anyone cares — and you probably don’t — the Daily Mail published more than 100 news stories, columns and editorials about the MBA situation in 2008. Of those, 34 were given front page treatment. If you REALLY care, you can check that out here:

In contrast, Leo’s hat received a single 3-sentence item on the newspaper’s Web site and this controversial post on Facebook.

We apologize for the transgression….