The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which has good news for basketball fans. Just chatted with and observed Truck Bryant at Kroger. No boot. No crutches. Just white socks, blue Crocs and a six-pack of Snapple.

Ever the point guard, I believe he was ready for an assist. He stutter stepped toward my parking spot as I loaded soda, dog food and groceries in the back of my Equinox. I waved him off like I was Da’Sean Butler in the final 30 seconds regulation.

And for the record, I also saw the Director of Basketball Operations, Jerrod Calhoun, though I’m certain this was just a coincidence.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, work with what you’ve got. (Is that called imPalin? … I’m sorry.)

ccteam said:

Not meaning this in a disrespectful way at all, but a head injury would explain in inexplicable outbursts in Morgantown and Cincinnati.

Nothing disrespectful about that. The nature of the BIRI’s interest in Chris Henry was, in fact, his “behavioral history.” That said, no one would say he acted the way he did because of CTE. No one’s sure when he “had” it, just that he did.

Sam said:

Heaven forbid we examine what football demands of its players in response to this. Coupled with Malcolm Gladwell’s reporting about what, exactly, is happening to football players when they play the game, it’s time to seriously re-evaluate the game.

It’s going to happen. It’ll be part of the next CBA. Bailes and Mike Webster’s son will make it happen. Now, does anything change? Not necessarily. It has to be discussed, though. Bailes proposes changes, some significant, others minor. Starting offensive linemen in a “pass protect” stance so they don’t go head-to-head with defensive linemen every single play is one idea. Another would be minimizing contact and hits and rotary movements in practice and OTAs and events like that. It’s a starting point.

Skippy said:

If this type of brain damage is source back to high school and youth football, I don’t understand how responsible parents can allow their kids to play. Likewise, I don’t see why school boards should allow the sport in public schools. My tax dollars are being used to support a sports where 14-year-old children incur repetitive blunt force trauma to the head and bear the long-term effects of brain damage.

Can of worms there, sir.

glibglub said:

Very disturbing. It gives everyone from Roger Goodell to the NCAA to Pop Warner parents to the average schlub in the bleachers something to think long and hard about. I love football, but if current conditions / styles of play may be causing widespread traumatic brain injury, then it isn’t just a game anymore.

You know, kudos go to Henry’s mom. She had to know potential findings would bring up a lot of past issues and force people to look at Henry’s life and death. So much for the mourning process. There’s a positive that can come out of it, though.

me said:

If you get a chance to see The ESPN piece on Ricky, check it out. He’s one odd duck.

Not that I’m questioning his opinion of Pat. Just that Ricky is an, um, interesting individual.

Fascinating is a word I’d use after the 30 for 30 thing I saw. Not many like him in professional sports … or any walk, for that matter.

He shoulda played baseball:

Pat White will never be a quarterback in the NFL. He was basically an extra runningback on the field at WVU and was very good at running the ball. He proved last year that he is not able to compete with NFL caliber players. Remember the hit put on him by the Steelers defender? His style and small stature won’t cut it with the best athletes in the world playing against him. You can get by with playing football like that in the Big East or the MAC, but when it comes to playing with real athletes he just can’t hang. Pat was a hell of a player for WVU and he really put WVU on the map, but he should have done the right thing and went to Major League Baseball. Even a switch to receiver would probably prove futile; he’s just too small.

I’d like someone to tell Pat White that to his face.

novaEER said:

Uh, isn’t White already playing QB in the NFL?

No. Never. He’s not physically able. Too small.

rich said:

suck it, give the man a chance.. we have got rid of players that became great… wait and see he maybe become are returner or back up are backs… hold up on your comments since parcells is a genius..

Our we going to find someone to argue that point  on Parcells?

hershy12 said:

Todd McShay, is that you?

If you were going to write off every QB that didn’t compete well in his rookie year, I would imagine there would be a lot of great QB’s that would be in that mix. As for the hit from the Steelers player, you can’t take anything from that. Steve Young and Troy Aikman were both pretty good QB’s and they have both had multiple concussions in the NFL. Can they not hack it with those kind of athletes either? Size has nothing to do with getting a concussion or not. Pat White or anyone else can’t build a suspension system around their brain by lifting weights.

Yeah, let’s let this one play itself out. Way too premature to finalize his career.

jtmountaineer said:

Loved the article, Mike, and I love the sound of this guy. 36 on the ACT? 6′10″ and could still grow to 7 ft.? Has played all 5 positions? Sounds like a young Lamar Odom, who had been noteworthy at the time he was drafted for his position versatility.

I want him.

Makes me think of another all-state Minnesota baller, a 6′5″ forward by the name of Craig Kilborn. Okay, not really, but sort of.


glibglub said:

I’ve heard of home shooling, but I was heretofore unaware of strip mall storefront schooling.

Before this very moment, neither had I. Well done.

roopoo said:

Write up about the success of students in Minnesota on the ACT

That was … well, that was both enlightening and unexpected. Who knew? And I still don’t know what to think of his academics.

overtheSEC said:

So Mike’s article says 230 pounds, Rivals says 217, Scout says 210, ESPN says 190. All agree he’s 6′10″ at least.

Well, his coach told me 228. I rounded up. No one will call me a showoff.

(By the way, I’m having a text conversation with someone who’s telling me The Product is in Morgantown and lunching at Wings Ole … apparently it’s an effing special place. Anyhow, the lunch was going well until the line became crowded and Rodriguez’s progress was halted. He then tried to leave without paying his bill. He thought Wings Ole didn’t live up to its end of the provider-consumer arrangement. At least that’s how it was reported to me, the messenger.)

Mack said:

6′10” and big time schools want him? Yes, please.

I did some asking around and the book on him is about what you’d imagine. Tall and still growing, both in height (perhaps) and girth (certainly). He’s a PF more than a C, more face-up than back to the basket … and if you think of Huggins, you know that sounds familiar as far as preferences go. The question is the validity of his stats. It wasn’t against the strongest competition, it came in six years and it came in a system geared for gaudy numbers. Consensus: He’ll need time, but he has an ability to put the ball in the basket.

glibglub said:

Ah, but who are the big spenders that WVU is besting on the field? A quick glance at the article as the lunch hour sadly fades away shows Rutgers and Syracuse are the two conference opponents. Not exactly feathers in the cap, beating those two. Auburn is an OOC foe with whom we split during the five year period. Georgia and Oklahoma are on the list of victims. Lessee, who else? Oops. Lunch is over. Gotta see to keeping my good job in the city, workin’ for The Man every night and day.

Stopped just short of a buzzkill there. Just short.

philip said:

sounds like we’re getting more bang for the buckskin.

Shoot, that’s good.

Big Al said:

So, should we be spending even less so we can win even more?

Oliver Luck would like to speak with you.

Foul Shot said:

From Asbestos Ed in the late 90’s to Emeritus Ed in 2010.
I know Luck needs to be away for awhile, but I cant believe that Emeritus Ed will be answering too many calls.
Just putting myself in Luck’s shoes, starting a new job, it does not seem that I would want someone looking over my shoulder.

Hard to peer from miles away, right? Anyone want to see a live feed from the office of Ford and Pastilong?

roopoo said:

I don’t like the fact that he is playing in Turkey again, especially considering what happened last year, but it is great to hear him laud the state of West Virginia and great to know that WVU’s following doesn’t stop here in the US.

I don’t think he’s in danger of being in trouble over there. The concern is what he’s doing there as opposed to what he could be doing here.

wvmaniac said:

roopoo, I believe the infraction happened back when he was sixteen, not last year? (correct me if im wrong mike)…..But also that rule no longer exist in NCAA, and i think deniz would be smart enough now to watch what he is doing….

That’s correct — old episode got back to him last year, the NCAA rule has been tweaked for this purpose.

Erinn said:

We must wonder what challenge Owen Schmitt will take on the next time he is in town … his coaster eating antics at the Fishbowl just don’t live up to four softball-sized meatballs!

… uh, I’m not sure about that. But I’d pay to see a contest.

BillyBall said:

Great stuff, thanks. So does this mean that the final decision on the buyout funds is that they are applied to the practice facility? If so, I love it! That might be the biggest “na nana boo boo” ever! That’ll teach coaches not to screw

Yeah, the buyout monies are dedicated to the facility. Not sure about what precedent it sets, but it does make WVU’s battle a little more worthwhile, I’d think. I’d also think one basketball coach is pleased by this and one is absolutely furious.

Drew said:

You may have convinced me to move my xbox to a different location in the house as another option to escape some of the atrocities my wife watches such as Glee, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, etc.

I’ve thought about it before but you just pushed me over the edge.

I’m here to help.

glibglub said:

Speaking of that first pic, I’ve never understood how the slogan “hold the rope” squared with the action “brush the coiled rope there on the wall with one hand as you run past”. But then again, I’m very literal sort of guy.

And we’re totally overlooking the fact the guy who coined the phrase totally cut rope and split. Yet it remains …

The 25314 said:

i wish it was more realistic….a mascot with a beard? a pass to will johnson? a full student section? a handoff to noel devine?

i hate how fake hollywood is.

Enjoy the weekend! And be safe.