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John Marinatto has my attention

OK, so I wondered if and how the Big East might react to the Big XII (!) staying in tact — and this little rumor about Central Florida and Memphis getting an invite would satisfy my curiosity … but maybe not my criteria.

But you know what? No matter what the conference does — or does not do — no action or inactivity is going to trump Commissioner John Marinatto’s immediate response to the Big XII’s resolution.

So on Tuesday, Marinatto showed his appreciation with a small gesture. His office sent 10 red and 10 white roses to Beebe and the Big 12 conference with a card that simply read “Unity.”

“The color combination signifies unity and 10 — rather than a dozen — represented their new membership number,” Marinatto told FanHouse Wednesday.

That’s … that’s beyond words. I’m searching for an appropriate adjective. I’ll go with impeccable. I know it’s not relevant to anything and it’s not what’ll eventually save or doom the conference. I know it’s kind of corny and people will probably point and laugh. But I really like this and I’d been trying to figure out why. I mean, it made me laugh right away and I could only imagine what Dan Beebe was thinking when he was told John Marinatto had sent him roses.

Then it occured to me: It’s something I absolutely would have done … and I’m confident anyone who knows me would agree. Of course, I would have sent different flowers.