The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

We’re all aware Bill Stewart is a pretty religious guy, a man of faith who speaks of following his principles to make the most of his daily walk. What I didn’t know what he was raised Methodist and only turned to Roman Catholicism after meeting his bride, Karen.

I know, I know: Sports blogs don’t mix well with politics or religion, but in this instance, since the subject of the sports blog is so connected to one of the typically taboo topics, I found it somewhat relevant and certainly insightful. There were and still are things I just didn’t know about all of this, and probably because it is so often avoided in coverage, if not conversation.

Fact is, the base of Stewart as a coach is rooted in his beliefs and evident in his actions.

He knows he has been labeled as a “soft” coach, the antithesis of former coach Rich Rodriguez, who was known to be rough around the edges.

“I’ve said it before, and I’m sticking by it, that I am not going to use that kind of language on my men,” Stewart said. “Yes, I can get mad. Yes, I do get mad. But I don’t understand how anyone can use filthy language on a young man, to run him down, and then expect the player to have respect for him. That is not Billy Stewart’s way.”