The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Butler’s commendable offseason schedule — meet-and-greets with former presidents, autograph signings throughout the state, grand marshal of Strawberry Festival parade, rigorous knee rehab — took him to Chicago last week.

The city played host to the NBA Draft combine and, of course, Butler wasn’t able to participate. Yet he was there with and for a purpose. The NBA teams and decision-makers were all in attendance and many wanted to speak with Butler. Eight of them, in fact, for what was essentially a character workout.

This was no small deal for Butler, who despite his confidence and assertions he’d be OK couldn’t feel too strongly about things in the always unpredictable draft.

“I found out a lot of people are more interested in me than I thought,” Butler said. “That was a good experience for me as  far as mentally and emotionally to see where I stood.”