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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which is typed today beneath a blanket and propped up by two pillows while eating a bagel — don’t tell my wife. Explanation? Game freaking six in Boston last night. I suppose the good thing is I saw it coming. I expect the worst. But, man, it just stings. And that still surprises me. And kills me. Like, I’ve seen the highlights of the Elway and Jordan daggers, of Mesa’s blown save and Renteria’s base hit, of Justice’s home run, of all that stuff that ESPN shamefully showed throughout Thursday and then throughout the game. I vividly recall a lot of it as it happened. And now this, which may be the worst in that it’s so closely attached to hope … and fans in that city and of its teams don’t have much.

Anyhow, as we were watching gasoline poured around our teams late in the fourth quarter last night, Mike Gansey and I texted thoughts on our latest torture — and included plans not to rally around the Indians or Browns, but to pray Mr. James stays, lest Cleveland sports go jump in Lake Erie — he signed off with “I’m turning off my phone for a couple days and not leaving bed.”

If it’s good enough for him …

 Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, don’t rush to blame “fat finger.”

rekterx said:

OK Mike. It’s Thursday, May 13th, and it has been 24 hours, give or take, since it was first reported on ESPN radio that the SEC may invite WVU to the conference. The silence from WVU and the WV press is deafening. Which, of course, leads me to think … come on … give us the scoop!

Fine, fine, fine. It’s Friday, May 14, and many more hours since this “incident” occurred … and as best as I can tell, it never happened. I’ve emailed and spoken with people who are and remain plugged into all the happenings. While many have heard of this incident, no one’s heard it. Two people assured me it didn’t happen as it’s rumored to have happened — and imagine that, someone embellished a little in reporting what they thought they heard! So in defense of the WVU and its media, it is difficult to report that which doesn’t exist. I’m also not one to run with second- or third-hand information and say, “Hey, Ed P., have you heard the one about WVU and the SEC? No? Well listen here …”  Hope that explains things. Also, I really wish the Big Ten would just make up its mind and stop milking the publicity. When does Slive, Marinatto, Bebe or Swofford say that? 

hershy12 said:

I heard about that last night. Anyone have a link or anything to an article about the SEC’s interest in WVU?

Nope. None exist. I can’t share the email someone sent me because that person hasn’t replied to my request to use it with permission, but I was chastised for not reporting this development. I asked “Reporting what? Show me something — an article, audio, video, a mere mention somewhere else — and I can start there.” And I would have gladly started there. Again, still waiting. This story is out of control and a lot of people have nothing to do with their time than obsess about it. I worry about them. 
roopoo said:
ESPN’s SEC blog writer Chris Low was on ESPN radio and was discussing SEC expansion and he mentioned that the SEC’s commissioner was interested in exploring expansion with Florida State, Miami, Georgia Tech, and WVU. I would certainly say take the report with a grain of salt…although I doubt he would say something like that without at least some inside knowledge.
Again, I’m told it didn’t necessarily happen that way and either what said blogger said was misrepresented or just flat-out exaggerated.
JP said:
The SEC is preferable to the ACC. We would probably be beaten up on in football, but you have to be able to beat the man to be the man. I would dig getting home and homes with Alabama, Florida, UGA, Tennessee, etc. That would drive up football ticket sales for sure.
I’ll admit I’m not giving this much thought. 1) I’m not sure that, today, it has any legs. 2) I’m quickly getting tired of the cycle we’re stuck it and were stuck in six years ago. That said, my initial thought is WVU fans would quickly tire of the noble cause of being competitive in the SEC. As for ticket sales, don’t you already sell out games? Unless you mean expanding the stadium and/or raising ticket prices, which you’d have to — Hey! Who threw that?
jtmountaineer said:
As far as football in the SEC, I’d *far* rather be a spoiler to Florida, Alabama, and LSU and have a top ten season once every 8-10 years than hope we play well enough to beat South Florida, UConn, and Rutgers, then ger dismissed when we actually do crack the top 10.
Again, just my initial reaction, but I seriously wonder if fans would buy into and remain committed to the same philosophy. Initially, sure. Long-term, I’m not so sure. The first few years would have to be devoted to adjusting recruiting and developing depth on the roster. There’s usually a side-effect to doing that. It’s not the best comparison, but look when teams transition from FCS to FBS. In a way — and on a smaller scale — you’d be asking WVU to do the same to adjust to the SEC.
Wayne said:
Nice to see him stay and seem so honorable about the situation. Sounds like we have a good coach and person.
Listen, when Didier Casazza is kicking it around in the backyard and Marlon LeBlanc calls, Pele is taking that phone call.
overtheSEC said:
Any word on the rumors that several Big Ten schools have asked permission to speak with our highlight video producers?
 I can confirm it’s been explored, but Louisville and USF will have to be convinced to go, too.
roopoo said:

I would tend to agree Mike, although I just hope Tebow isn’t spending time teaching BB how to ‘throw.’

I think Barry Brunetti has the throwing thing down by himself. No worries. Aligningwith Tebow at this stage only helps.
The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:
Any truth to the rumor he has already ordered eye black with “Geno 3:16″ on it?
oklahoma mountaineer said:
If only he is the quality person that Tebow is…..we know both of them are winners on the field.

The kid has confidence coming here as Geno has been annointedas Jarrett’s successor with 3 years left in town.

Off topic: Why are we not seeing anything in the way of verbal commits on the recruiting front??? I understand that we are months away from signing dates, I also understand that kids are wondering how the Big (We Cant Count Past) 10 are causing concerns to those who don’t seem to be on their Christmas lists, but……

I’m looking at ESPN’s recruiting info and 6 of 8 BE schools show verbal commits — WVU and UCONN are the ones without any.

Is this a result of the loss of Doc, BE issues, people losing faith in Oll Stewart, combo of any/all, or none….???

You could argue there’s a slight touch of all those issues with the Big East looming largest. I’m still curious what affect, if any, the P-Rod/NCAA inquiry had and how it was used against the Mountaineers. I refuse to believe it wasn’t. Remember, too, WVU didn’t get started with its spring recruiting until May 1 this year. That’s two weeks later than normal … though through two weeks we haven’t seen too much. Still, there are two weeks left. You may see something soon. You may not see things that have already happened.

roopoo said:

There seems to be the general consensus that WVU is trying to keep things a bit quieter than they have in the past on the recruiting front. I doubt information can be kept quiet forever, but I have seen mentioned a few places that people feel WVU could have 4-5 ’silent’ verbals…meaning they have given verbals to WVU, but the news hasn’t been made public. Perhaps Mike can shed a little light on this.

Shed light on secrets? Isn’t that asking a lot? I think you’re right, though. WVU has in the past gotten after younger or undistinguished kids early on and then found other schools have said, “Wait … WVU offered this kid? He’s in our backyard/conference/region? Shouldn’t we get in?” Then sometimes that kid flips. This matters when you recruit in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida, as WVU does. The Mountaineers also recruit Georgia and the Atlanta area now and the story how they got Qudral Forte is a pretty neat illustration. As we’re told, Stewart was in Forte’s school recruiting him late in the process and a coach from a well-known area school was in the same school the same day recruiting someone else. Stewart pulled Forte into some hidden hallway or classroom so no one could see the two conversing. Come signing day, no one covering WVU had heard of Forte when they learned he’d signed. If WVU can get in with a kid and at least build a relationship with him before others come calling, WVU likes its chances.

Dave said:

Quite honestly, I think the information surrounding the recruiting process is out of control. Most kids will not be seen for 2 or 3 years from now and only a small fraction will ever become “name” players. We have people commenting on who will/will not come to Morgantownwithout an understanding of the kids, their situations and complications, or whether or not they’ll even see the field. But yet how many message boards fill with evaluations of the coaches and/or merits of the program?

It’s interesting to learn about what is going on, but some of the detail is now being microscoped to a ridiculous level. If one goes back through the years, there is a significant difference between recruiting “stars” and performance.

I don’t mean to sound like I’m venting and I’ve been caught in the hype in the past too, but there are so many variables to consider …

That needed to be included.

hershy112 said:

“…sometimes it’s just a ‘nunya’ – nunya business.”

Wow. Did he really say that?

That’s nunya business, hersh.

Karl said:

DaSean does a pretty good robot

WELLS does a better one, I promise.

StraightOuttaNorthCentral said:

One of those “smart” NBA organizations (like Houston or something) will grab him, either in the second round or as a free agent and then stash him away and pay him a little bit and wait for him to be ready and acclimated to the NBA. Then, slowly but surely, you’ll start to see his name in box scores, scoring a few points, getting some rebounds. And, meanwhile, he’ll also be doing good things that don’t show up in box scores, like making an extra pass, tipping loose balls, making smart plays on defense. There is, I believe, room for good basketball players in the NBA.

If it works out for Da’Sean, it’ll happen the way you’ve described. Gradual process stuff. He’s one of those guys who doesn’t need to play to be an asset, if that makes any sense. He’ll push guys in practice. He’ll be in a good mood. He’ll make friends. I don’t think you can expect him to be the cut-up in a locker room full of millionaires, but he’ll be a good guy to have around. The only concern is there are a lot of guys like that every year. Can Da’Sean distinguish himself with a shaky leg?

jtmountaineer said:

What brings me some comfort and leads me to believe, SONC, that you, Da’Sean, and I are all right about his future–in addition to what he’s shown us–is that Huggins is on his side as much as any coach can be on a player’s side. His eye for talent and his ability to coach it (read: his assessment of a player’s coachability and basketball IQ) isn’t taken lightly by NBA scouts.

I would really like to see him drafted, though, even if it’s most certainly now in the later second round. I look forward to draft night when people like Jay Bilas and other commentators, who all spoke so highly of Da’Sean, call out organizations who pass him over for unproven potential and international experiments.

Well, with Huggins and his contacts, and all the contacts Butler has through the Big East and his time spent doing Team USA stuff, he’s got an awful lot of allies. All of those people feel strongly about him. People who aren’t as close will feel strongly, too, because so many others feel so strongly. And here’s an interesting concept for late in the second round: Say … the Spurs are there late in the draft. They’re looking at International Prospect X who has two years left on his contract in European Country Y. And then there’s the comparably sized and skilled Butler, who might still play this season and definitely can play next season. Butler is going to be ready sooner and cost less — IPX probably has a buyout for his team in ECY; and if he doesn’t, he at least has a salary to work off of — and the Spurs are probably more familiar with Butler and can get more familiar having him around the next few months. He’s got a lot working against him, for sure, but he’s got an awful lot going in his favor, too. I think that’s one reason he has the cat-swallowed-the-canary disposition. It’s as if he knows something we don’t.

DB said:

Henry’s not the highest-rated recruit ever at VCU. Just the highest rated by ESPN since they started a couple of years ago. That’s not true anymore since they knocked him down from an 92 to a 90. The other guy in the class with him is ranked higher than him right now at a 91. VCU has had 2 McDonald’s All-Americans sign with VCU in John Thompson in ‘95 and Kendrick Warren in ‘91.

West Virginia also definitely offered at one point according to your own fansites:

“West Virginia coach Bob Huggins flew in to watch Henry and his team a few times last season and while Henry was in Morgantown this summer for the JamfestAAU tournament, he toured the campus with assistant coach Larry Harrison. Harrison told Henry he had a scholarship offer, and little while later coach Bob Huggins called him to chat and confirm the offer, Henry said.”

I’m aware he’s not the best ever. I just liked the ESPN nugget included in the story. It was intended to be a tip of the cap to that. As for the offer to Henry, I wasn’t clear in my post. I phrased it wrong and have since cleaned it up, but he was offered a scholarship, though he never offered at it. Bad sentence structure by me. Also, still waiting on my sister’s review of Henry …  

StraightOuttaNorthCentral said:

I know a lot of people who went up for the games in Syracuse. and not one of them flew up there. So I haveto wonder about the wisdom of chartering the plane. But, still, good try Rick Rock. Also, awesome name. I wish my name was Rick Rock. I’d almost surely be an action movie star or a professional wrestler. Or a regional airport manager.

Ah, but would your friends have changed their minds and flown had they known Rick Rock was involved? I say yes.

overtheSEC said:

Mike, why haven’t you yet posted a link tothis latest bit of breaking news about the Big 10 expansion??!!

“You wouldn’t get this from any other guy.”

Josh24601 said:

When Jimmy John’s opens, things will get weirder: remember Oll Stewart’s “Mountaineer Rules for Living,” which wowed the many @CoachStewart followers last summer? Well, whoever mailed — yes, mailed — that chain letter to “the CEO of this football program” also impressed the Jimmy John’s marketing folks, because I’ve seen that same list of life lessons on the walls of four different Jimmy John’s stores, all before @CoachStewart elevated them and Beyonce on Twitter.

… and this is where things got weird this week. Oh, and it was Wednesday.

Jeff in Akron said:

Josh, not to knock Oll Stew, but his rules of life are taken from a book written by Charles Sykes entitled, “Dumbing Down Our Kids”. Oll Stew’s rules of life are actually a quote.

Jimmy Johns is more than likely refering to the book and not Oll Stew. Although, I can’t be certain, I too have never heard of Jimmy Johns.

Maybe Jimmy John’s refers to the book … but maybe J Double mailed it to Stewart? Or maybe it was Subway Jared.

Dave said:

What irony?

This was a second Dave and one making his first post. The first Dave would have appreciated the irony of seeing a Jimmy John’s in my rear-view mirror. To this Dave, google “Huggins, Jimmy John’s, rear-view mirror.”

JP said:

I take it that the irony is Mike seeing Jimmy John’s in the rear-view mirror. Unlike Huggs who would not see it since he always moves forward.

Or, Second Dave, just read that.

rekterx said:

Further, I’ll be in Morgantown in August. By then I would like a suggested menu from Mike and anyone else.

My mouth is watering as I type this.

I can’t help you there. Fast food is not my thing. Also, I’m a headcase and I don’t like to see people making/preparing my food. Exceptions: Street vendors in NYC, the Hot Dog Man and gloved hands. I think others can help. You. Not me. 

JP said:

Try the Vito.

…got that?

Mack said:

Posts like this crack me up because it reminds me of how long it takes the chain restaurants to make their way to WV. Anywhere else, you throw a rock and you’re likely to hit a Jimmy Johns.

I can think of one town where that’s not the case. It’s a small town in Ohio. It has 500 people, one stoplight, nine bars …

Karl said:

Don’t feel left out, West Virginians. I live in northern New Jersey and have never seen or heard of Jimmy Johns.

Ok, so add those towns to the list, too. Who knew?!?!

rekterx said:

I have never even heard of Jimmy John’s…so Morgantown isn’t the last place to see it, South Central PA hasn’t either.

So the sun does set on the Jimmy John’s empire?

SheikYbuti said:

We have one in Charleston. It’s . . . . okay.

What happened this week? Really.

WVUgrad1993 said:

Jimmy John’s has been open on High Street for over 4 years now.

I know. It’s just that — never mind.

Sam Wilkinson said:

Nobody’s missing anything if they haven’t heard of Jimmy John’s. Totally overrated, atrociously awful sandwiches.

Noted. But I know people who swear by them. And what of the “free smells,” Mr. Wilkinson?

Mack said:

Jimmy Johns’ secret? Lots and lots of mayonaise.

And what of the excessive use of mayo?

OldWVUman said:

Best Pizza is Pizza Al’s near hospital…he used to have pizzaria Italia.

/scratches head

Alli said:

Yes, this is the second Jimmy Johns in Morgantown. As WVUgrad pointed out, we’ve had one for a few years now. We also have a Pita Pit, which I recommend.

/ …

mgwftw said:

We are getting a second Jimmy John’s while we continue to wait for our first Chipotle… sigh.

/places left index in groove above top lip directly beneath nose
//wonders how many others are doing the exact same right now
///snaps back to blog spiraling out of control

Eric said:

In case anyone is missing what I think is Mike’s point, read the last quote here from Huggins:

As they say at Chipotle, “Gracias!”

glibglub said:

So what do you suppose would happen if Huggs spotted a JJ’s in a rear-view mirror? I mean, put yourself in his place. You’re hearing the clarion call of the yummy sammich. But it’s behind you, in the rearview, and you remember your “we’re moving forward, son” credo. What a dilemma! Man, it’s hard to make your way in this world sometimes.

Personally, I think he’d don a “Do What We Do” t-shirt, get out of the car, and go order up a a J.J. Gargantuan.

Enjoy the weekend!