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A brief review of in-state basketball recruiting

WVU’s dependency upon its own state for the state’s best players and resources for the walk-on program is fairly well-known. Basketball, though, is a littler harder to measure, not as easy to celebrate.

There have been different reasons in the past — when, to be fair, WVU did a good job getting good players from its own backyard — but there also wasn’t a wealth of coveted prospects. That’s changed in recent years and the current staff has done a pretty good job supplying talent outside the borders while incorporating in-state talent of late.

According to, the Mountain State had four pretty good prospects for the 2010 class — though only one is a West Virginia high schooler and he’s Noah Cottrill. All four, though, signed at Division I programs … and good ones, at that.

The 2011 class isn’t thought of to be quite as good, though that may change over the AAU summer, and there are just two prospects of note. One, Chase Fisher, no doubt the reason Bob Huggins was spotted in Ripley after the Final Four, is set up with Wake Forest after the coaching change at Marshall caused him to change his mind there. The other, Perry Henry, who WVU had some interest in, though he never offered at it, is off to VCU and will be one of the Rams’ top recruits. Seemingly ever … though I’m waiting on feedback from my sister/VCU junkie.