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There may not be much Da’Sean Butler and Devin Ebanks have in common, what with their different positions, skills, potential and bills of health. Their experience in the lead-up to the NBA Draft doesn’t seem as if they could be much more different. That’s the perception, at least, and frequently it’s not reality.

It’s no different in this case. The now former Mountaineers will both be subjected to and graded on character evaluations, Butler because he has no other option, Ebanks because the NBA has  no alternative.

His second season was shortened by an absence at the beginning. At the time, it was filed under personal reasons and his coach, Bob Huggins, vowed to protect those. Huggins said Ebanks owed no one an explanation and that he owed his player privacy.

Then there was an injury to his left wrist not long after he hurt his right wrist dunking in a 76 Classic game. The second affected his shooting and dribbling for quite some time.

No explanation was given, but there was a lot of supposition about what had happened.

It changes now and the NBA teams will want to know. It’s their right to know.

“Everyone knows about them, even if they don’t know exactly about them,” said Ryan Blake, the director of scouting for the NBA. “It’s something that I pick up and send off to those teams.

“Those are the questions teams will ask about. (Reporters) don’t report it sometimes if it’s a personal reason and sometimes it’s just a ‘nunya’ – nunya business. I don’t know what it is. I can’t speculate on it and I don’t want to, but I think when a team gets him in for individual workouts and interviews, they’ll ask him about them and they’ll have a right to ask if everything is OK.

“They’re making a very big investment.”