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Prepare thyself for the Tebow Effect

Barry Brunetti is coming to town and heaven’s coming with him

“He’s a machine,” Brunetti says of Tebow. “I did about half of his workout today and it felt like I’ve been working out for 30 days. He works out so hard.”

Growing up in SEC country, Brunetti has had many chances to study Tebow on the field with the Gators, and he sees similarities in the way the two of them approach the game. Seeing him in person this week has only confirmed his initial impressions of the Heisman Trophy winner.

“He’s everything people say about him. He’s a workaholic. I’ve never seen anybody work harder than him in my life,” Brunetti told “Just watching him work motivates me a lot. He takes every rep hard, like it’s his last rep.”

Say what you will about Tebow — I say he never asked for the global admiration and merely went along with it; he’s guilty only of being a guy so many people liked so much — but this isn’t a bad development for Brunetti. In fact, for a young QB entering this environment, it’s just about ideal.