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Kilicli’s offseason picks are on a roll

Note: I stole that headline from the story. It’s too good. I supposed I could have gone for something different, something like “Kilicli’s Top Secret 2010 Summer Tour” or a label that would have introduced or added to the intrigue that already exists about Deniz Kilicli’s hobby.

The Turk is stopping at different open mics around Morgantown and doing unannounced, uncompensated gigs. Where? When? Well, he can’t tell you. He won’t tell you.

It’s not that he had forgotten. In fact, he’s likely to hit some of the same spots over the weekend – before he leaves town for a brief return to Turkey next week. He may do so again when he returns at the end of the month.

“There are two things I can’t do,” Kilicli said. “I can’t get paid and I can’t tell you the places I’m going. Those would be NCAA violations. But I will be playing whenever I have the time.”

Before Kilicli went public, he learned the rules.

“The last time I didn’t ask questions, I got in some trouble,” he said, referring to his NCAA-ordered 20-game suspension for playing on a club team in Turkey with a professional on its roster.