The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

We’re … well, I’m not counting the days, but we’re still pretty far away from the Coal Bowl down in that little pocket near Ashland (credit Bob Huggins, 2010). I’ve actually interacted with a number of WVU fans who think the Herd will get over WVU soon, if not this year. Combine that with the natural disdain, the uncertainty/tension about the future of the series and the new MU coach and you better believe it’s going to be an interesting game week this season.

So why wait? Marshall Coach Doc Holiday tossed out the first WVU-MU jab.

Once asked about his nicknames in high school — a question of interest earlier in the evening — Holliday did not speak on the topic.

However, a voice in the crowd did — much to his chagrin.

On point, Holliday asked the unidentified woman to stand up so someone could take a picture of her.

He then pointed out that it was the sister of Steve Dunlap, the current assistant head coach at “the school up north” according to Holliday.

“We don’t call them by name anymore,” Holliday said about West Virginia University.

Dunlap’s sister was standing in the crowd waving with a Marshall shirt on.

“Let’s see that in the newspaper tomorrow,” he said with a grin.