The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

John Marinatto ahead of the curve in zingers!

Those BCS meetings in Arizona yesterday produced only one bit of news … and this is if you choose to believe anything or everything in this shadowy process. According to Commissioner Jim Delany, the Big Ten + ? is not accelerating its plans for expansion.

“There are no announcements, notifications, or is there a change in the timeline,” he said Wednesday, while taking a break from BCS meetings at a lavish resort hotel in Arizona.

Back in December, the Big Ten announced it was considering expansion and that it would take about 12 to 18 months to figure out what it wanted to do.

According to Delany, the league is still mulling over its options.

“It’s pretty clear that we may not act,” he said. “It’s also a possibility that we may. It’s a possibility that we may act in a way that would (add) more than a single member.

“There’s nothing Earth-shattering here. I wanted to put our announcement of last December into some sort of context given some of the reports.”

Whoa, boy. That last quote kills me. “It’s pretty clear that we may not act.” You just can’t trust anything anyone says. Hear it. Absorb it. Consider it. Don’t accept it.

The most informative/entertaining parts of this event were the quasi-press conferences the commissioners had with eager writers and the little nuggets the get-togethers produced. The best belonged to John Marinatto, he of the embattled Big East, who came with a new title.

Big East commissioner John Marinatto sat down at a table with writers and introduced himself as “assistant to Jim Delany at the Big Ten Conference.”