The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

WVU confirmed today it has been interviewed by the NCAA about an undisclosed matter.

The NCAA has met with individuals involved with the West Virginia University football program to identify any potential rules violations.
The University has fully cooperated with the NCAA during this process.
West Virginia University and its Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is committed to operating its athletic program in conformance with the legislation and policy of the NCAA and the BIG EAST conference.
No additional comments will be made regarding the matter at this time.

Sources tell me it is, indeed, connected to the inquisition of the University of Michigan and P-Rod. This is developing and I’m now at gunpoint the rest of the day, but in short it seems largely procedural by the NCAA to, in essence, walk in reverse.

The reasons are logical, none bigger than perhaps establishing if this was a pattern more than an accident, a one-time thing or a guy feeling pressure to usurp the rules under considerable pressure at Michigan. You can imagine there was some interrogation by the NCAA at UM about time spent and supervision provided at WVU and the NCAA is obliged to see if its being lied to.

WVU is “guilty”  — I can’t, at this point, use that word loosely enough — by association here. Its oversight and procedures/ability to monitor will be examined, but that doesn’t seem to be the target at all. The focus looks to be on what happened under Rodriguez.

This is very fluid, so flow freely with your questions, comments and concerns.