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WVU = +$605K

WVU won four NCAA Tournament games and earned a $1 million reward from the Big East due this fiscal year. The Big East slices that sum from the NCAA basketball’s revenue distribution fund.

Long story short, the NCAA gives conferences a “unit” for every game a conference team plays in the NCAA Tournament. This year, for example, the Big East was 8-8 (WVU was 4-1, the other seven conference teams were 4-7) and will get 16 “units” toward the next six-year cycle. In the 2004-09 cycle, the Big East had 104 “units.”

So that’s from where WVU’s $1 million comes. And where does that $1 million go?

That’d be Bob Huggins and Ed Pastilong. Together they’re due $395,000 in contract incentives. Granted, the bonus money doesn’t necessarily come from the $ 1 million, but you get the point. And that point is this: How awesome would it be to be Bob Huggins May 1?