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Talent trumps tall

00″If the season were to start tomorrow …” Tavon Austin would be your starting wide receiver. Of course the season doesn’t start tomorrow and it’s expected two guys who might be better/better fits at the wide position will arrive over the summer in Quantavious Leslie and Ivan McCartney.

The hook here, of course, is the Poet stands 5-foot-9 and weighs 173 pounds. He’s also the stated tailback of the future and he was a pretty nice player in the slot last season.

He wouldn’t be bigger than many/any cornerbacks he’d line up across from on the outside and he sort of goes against the grain of the 6-foot-something outside receivers. So perhaps Quantavious (6-2) or Sticks (6-1) are ideal complements to 6-3 Brad Starks.

Or perhaps the perception is all wrong.

“I’d rather be talented than tall,” Austin said. “If you’ve got a big wide receiver out there and he can’t get off the line or he doesn’t have a special thing he can do, then he’s not going to be able to get the ball. Just like if he catches a hitch and he can’t run for a touchdown when he’s got five yards of separation, it’s kind of hard. The game is slower. We want to be faster.”