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I didn’t agree — granted, I hadn’t asked myself who was the most gripping — until I read. Funny how that works. You know, when you read something and think about it rather than … never mind.

This is about Coley White, who’s transferred seven times, I’m told, and is such an afterthought in the minds of the coaches that there was mutual excitement when he decided he wanted to play receiver.

Then Smith suffered a broken fifth metatarsal bone in his left foot, the same injury that WVU basketball guard Truck Bryant suffered before the Final Four.

All of a sudden, Mullen looked around and he really didn’t have any quarterback to run drills this spring, so the move was delayed.

White isn’t looking at it as retarding his transition to wide receiver. He believes he knows the position as well as he can because the quarterback must know all the positions, and there’s always the idea that maybe fate has intervened here in some way.

“I may have a good spring,” he said. “You never know.”