The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

It’s that time


In what is probably going to be considered good news for WVU among its fans, Les Jones and Michael Stuart — as well as Jamie Luckie — are on whistles for the first game. This being Quick Draw’s last Final Four, he’s probably not in the second game because he could be saved for Monday night’s finale. Jones, you’ll remember, was part of the crew the Big East asked not to work the conference tournament. I fear someone’s going to throw a shoe at Stuart the next time he’s in the Coliseum

Also of note, Pitt assistant/throw-ice target Tom Herrion has interviewed for the Marshall job. So, too, have seven others here this week. It’s now 8-7 in the first game of Jack Bogaczyk’s 12th Final Four. John Wooden’s record is in peril.

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