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And now, the pink elephant

Surely you remember this:

As a reporter was leaving, the reserve Cam Thoroughman asked if Duke point guard Greg Paulus was one of the eight McDonald’s all-Americans. When told yes, Thoroughman said: “Oh my God. Are you kidding?”

No joke. And for the rest of the college basketball off-season, no-names like Thoroughman have made once-mighty Duke a punch line.

This wasn’t the moment WVU arrived — is it tonight? Has it already happened? — but it was certainly the moment WVU announced it believed it belonged and it was going to act that way.

 It wasn’t just Thoroughman, to be fair. It was the entire team, including incredulous Joe Alexander, floor-smacking Joe Mazzulla and not-at-all-content Da’Sean Butler.

As you might imagine, the postgame histrionics were not made to be history this week. The behavior came up a lot and the Mountaineers were pretty good about eschewing any connection between then and now.

The Blue Devils, however, remember.

“I definitely remember the game,” Scheyer said. “You do remember parts of what people say. But for us, we know we were a different team, first of all, and they were a different team. They had a lot of different guys.

“For us, we’re really not using that as a payback-type thing, using that too much.

For us, of course we want to beat a team that knocked us out, you know, two years ago. Who wouldn’t? That’s our approach.

“No, it doesn’t bother me. You know, people are going to say what they say. For the most part, I think our team not paying too much attention to the things they said afterwards.”

I tend to agree with Scheyer. Maybe it makes someoen dislike Thoroughman — or others — a little more and perhaps a foul is committed with a little more purpose. I think, however, Duke knows it’s Duke and has grown to be familiar with those things. I highly doubt WVU regrets any of that.

Put together, what’s the big deal?

In truth, it did happen. Like it or not — and honestly, this was a story — others were intrigued and Thoroughman tried to explain his way out of any controversy.

“I didn’t think there was any media left in the locker room,” he said. “I said that to one of the guys and someone wrote that. It is what it is.”

Thoroughman admitted he’d probably given Duke bulletin board material, but doubted it’d matter tomorrow.

“It doesn’t mean anything,” he said. “It was kind of taken out of context a little bit. It was just a joke. You have to understand, our team really likes to joke around about everything. We’d make fun of Da’Sean (Butler) the same way. He’s an All-American, too.”