The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

One out of 50 ain’t bad


That was your ESPN poll Saturday. The stories I’ve been hearing about the reception at the Coliseum and the vibe around town tonight are classics. I invite you to share your postgame experiences, whether they’re in Morgantown or from afar, no matter if they include Ultimate Warrior or a star from the screen.

Speaking of stars, a word from Da’Sean Butler, who etched his spot in “One Shining Moment” with a rather demonstrative performance:

Forty-nine states picked us to lose. Obviously we wanted to make everybody upset. We went out there and played our game. We grinded it out. We won. I knew we were going to win. Everybody up here knew we were going to win. It was a matter of how we were going to do it. And they outrebounded us and we just did everything possibly to win the game. Still we find a way.

Ten wins in a row. The last time the Mountaineers were this good this late in a season, an 11-game winning streak took them to the championship game in 1959. That was the last time WVU was in a Final Four.