The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Back to John Flowers for a moment

I said he had a good night Thursday and I meant. Flowers and his band promised more videos. They deliver.

Thursday night’s postgame euphoria spilled into someone’s hotel room and everything was cool until someone called Jon West, he of the “big shot against Pitt freshman year,”  a “jive turkey.” Apparently you don’t want to go there … unless you haven’t been in a video yet.

In that case, you want to go there because you’ll get in the video.

Witness the nervous, anxious, shirtless, conquered-by-the-moment Mountaineers revel in the midst of one another.

By the way, when Butler stated he and his teammates wouldn’t stop the videos and were looking forward to something opening up back in Morgantown, I said he needed to market it properly. He said I could be the crew’s manager. I said I wanted five percent. He said it was too steep. We agreed to discuss it later.

I’ll see him in four hours and if you don’t think I’m following up, than this is the fourth or fifth time you’ve come to our blog.