The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Anyone want to cover the spring game for me?

I’ve had a pretty keen ability to not cover the Gold-Blue game the past few years. Circumstances, family things, vacations planed well in advance, they all conspired against me, and I thought it’d happen again this year.

My sister gets married April 17 and then a friend a weekend later. When I heard WVU was screwing with the date and the game would be later than normal, I was sure it’d happen to me again.

Turns out the date was bumped back to April 30 — you remember that whole kerfuffle I “caused” — and I was on the hook.

Well, sorry to say this, but there’s no way I’m covering it now.

And, seriously, we don’t have a paper tomorrow, but we have jobs and we’ve done them. Six new stories. For you.