The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

To get you through your day

I like how people make a big deal out of the first two days of the NCAA Tournament and the impact it has on the collective workforce in the country. Yeah, it’s probably a drain and, yeah, some West Virginia agencies restricted the ability of their employees to watch and stream games online.

But there’s no way big WVU fans are more productive today. Not with the conversations I’ve been having with people … people who are supposed to be working, but are instead terribly preoccupied.

I’m also fascinated by the 180 a lot of people have done on this team. It wasn’t long ago when some strong things were being said about the Mountaineers and people were stating this was the least likable WVU team in many, many years. And now? Very much the opposite, no doubt because their personality has become more visible, contagious and certainly effective.

Anyhow, just some observations. To wit …

– Huntington’s Patrick Patterson is having a fine season, despite statistical slippage.

– How about a voluminous six-note notebook?

– The Mountaineers are of the impression — or want to solicit the impression — Joe Mazzulla will “probably, definitely start.”

– Da’Sean Butler says the key to tonight’s game is “pretty simple.”