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Mountaineers bow to Aztec Empire

Abrupt ending to an otherwise historic season as WVU runs into a streaky team with a very good backcourt.

WVU coach Mike Carey gave credit to Morris and Davis, saying, “They have two guards as good as any guard I’ve seen in the Big East, especially Morris.”

In their two-game sweep through Austin, the Aztecs hardly looked like a team that should be seeded 11th in any regional. But the champions of the Mountain West Conference tournament were not assured of an NCAA berth until they beat Utah in overtime of the title game.

I’m not sure Mike Carey would agree with me — he’s probably too good a coach to allow his teams to be held back by expectations — but the Mountaineers were a year ahead of themselves. They could have been good this season, but to do what they did was not at all predicted.

And here’s the kicker: Provided things go according to plan, the entire team is back next season. I’d wager to say no one in the top 1o has that going for them. Granted, a lot can happen. Players can transfer or just decide they’re done with basketball — and both have happened with Carey — but with WVU, it looks like there’s tremendous chemistry and potential for continuity.

So, yes, help Sarah Miles with directions to Indianapolis.

“It’s disappointing. That’s how I feel,” Miles said. “We’ll be back next year, wherever the Final Four is. We’ll definitely be there.”