The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Think Morgan State will flinch down 10 tomorrow?


The coach is a man who who got the NCAA’s rare “show cause” penalty, but appears to have come out on the other end as a better more appreciative coach and person. Contrite is probably a good word. Changed, too. He’s been there and back and didn’t say a word or do a thing to make himself look any worse than did the things for which he admitted guilt.

There’s more. Fittingly, he oversees a team that’s been through more than probably anyone else in the field. And that’s you opponent tomorrow, West Virginia.

Troy Smith could have gone to Morgan State years ago, but decided to go to junior college because he dreamed of different things. Now the fourth leading score in his second season with the Bears, Smith is also the father of a daughter born blind and who needed surgery to remove a tumor.

Ameer Ali, who last year body-slammed Blake Griffin, won’t play tomorrow because the suspension attached to the ejection from that game is applied tomorrow. Whatever. His father committed suicide.

Bozeman’s son was undercut in a high school game this year and landed on his head. He needed six staples and close attention for swelling around the brain.

And then there’s Anthony Anderson, a 6-foot-10 forward who had to sit out last season. He didn’t feel well after Midnight Madness this year and was encouraged to go to the doctor, just in case. He has Leukemia.

And all of that happened this year.