The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

John Flowers will let you on his spaceship

The gravity-defying headband-wearing, pregame huddling, backpack-toting, Irish jigging fan favorite is going crazy on Twitter. I mean, drain-your-battery crazy.

Man my phone bout 2 die…WTF I been tweetin that much! Lol

And it’s a wonderful thing. Follow along to learn why Mr. Flowers loves West Virginia fans.

And this is from just today …

Hahaha #IloveWestVirginiaFans cuz y’all fight other fans lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all sing country roads at da end of every game!

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all talk as much shit as We do on the court lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz @ the games y’all always cheer 4 the YMCA man! Hahaha I love that guy! Saw him drivin a Bus the Otha day! Lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz when ever I go out y’all always ask..”you wana shot!?” lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFansif we had a game on the moon! Sum1 lol one of yall would try 2 sneak on da spaceship! Or build their own lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all listen 2 coach huggins wen he got on the mic and said “it’s stupid!” lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz at the games y’all always cheer 4 the YMCA man! Hahaha I love that guy! Saw him drivin a Bus the Otha day! Lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all no how 2 party hard! A lol bit toooo hard! Lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all don’t take no crap from nobody lol rember@hotrodbaby30 we seen da old lady flick dude off in da car lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz If I fight broke out y’all would rush the court! Lol

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbecuz y’all helped me push my car outa da snow..and up a hill!

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz wen I yell out..”LET’S GOOO!! Y’all b like…

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbecuz y’all are not traders!

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbecuz y’all are unruly! Lol I love it

One of the mane reasons #IloveWestVirginiaFansis becuuuzzzz y’all literally ..BURN COUCHES! Hahahaha I need a couch!

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all show us maaaadd love at the football tailgates

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbecuz I feel like if we went 5-30 y’all would still b behind us!

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all r so spirited!

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all wana be so icey!

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbcuz y’all r everywhere…from Cali 2 NY!

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbcuz y’all stand behind us no matter what!

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbecuz y’all love us!

#IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all responded well 2 hurricane mazzula! @Jmazzulla21hahahaha

Yup #IloveWestVirginiaFanscuz y’all camp out in front of the coliseum b4 games!

#IloveWestVirginiaFansbecuz y’all drink moonshine! Haha

Soo #IloveWestVirginiaFansbecuz y’all don’t boo us 4 missin wide open lay ups lol shout out 2 Killa Cam T lol

I love west Virginia fans bcuz y’all get wasted! Lol

I love west Virginia fans bcuz there’s millions of y’all!

I love west Virginia fans bcuz if a fight broke out y’all would rush the court lol

John Flowers is entering rarefied air here. Listen, him telling me Truck Bryant “jus yelled 2 the parkin lady “yo! Yo!…stop givin out tickets!!!” is why I pay for the Internet. My goal is to get a tweet. He gets automatic Manassassin membership, no questions asked.

He’s very much on the verge of becoming an all-timer. This is the kind of guy you need on your team in March. He makes you realize why it’s so special. Jokes around, keeps it light and loose, guards, rebounds, can hit a jumper if you leave him open, talks a little, dances a lot. I shudder to think what would happen if he threw in a game-winner this month or strung together a couple 10-6-3 games. I’m not sure the aforementioned WVU fans could handle it. I doubt the Internet could, either. And I can’t imagine what the tweets would be … and yet I can’t wait.

(Apologies to They beat me to the post today, but I wasn’t letting my hard work and Flowers-induced entertainment go to waste.)