The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Your sentiment, please


So that just happened. Long night for me with a long day to follow. I promise I’ll get around to addressing and elaborating on West Virginia’s first Big East Tournament championship from the vantage point I was provided this week and, come to think of it, this season. I just need to get home and get some time and reliable WiFi first.

Listen, I don’t want to knock MSG’s Internet, but I’m pretty sure the wireless router I saw was the same one Willis Reed limped by.

Anyhow, obviosly a momumental moment for WVU and, for once, the team got everything from everyone. Mazzulla and Ebanks were great, WELLS played maybe the game of his life, Butler was Butler and even bench guys like Thoroughman, Mitchell and Flowers did all they were asked.

In the meantine, please to share your Saturday night highlights. Pictures, stories, how you celebrated, what this means to you, so on and so forth. Very briefly, I can tell you I saw a lot of tears inside the Garden and all over town. That and about 13 million WVU fans, give or take just a little. Bob Huggins also led a packed bar in an emotional rendition of Country Roads. That’s all for now. Congratulations to you, WVU fan, for reaping the rewards of sticking with his sometimes tormenting, sometimes terrific team.