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I just discovered this and apologies if you already had or if it’s too late for you to care. Apparently the defining stretch of the Big East Tournament’s championship game Monday was officiated in a way that did not meet the co-coach of the year’s approval.

Q.  From the 12 minute mark    I think it was the 12 minute mark until like 24 seconds left or something — when you got the lay up, you guys didn’t score, so it’s like 12 minutes you didn’t get a basket.  Talk about what was going wrong, and how much of it was what Connecticut was doing and their intensity and stuff. 

 COACH CAREY:  Well, all eight of them did a pretty good job on defense, first of all.  You know, like Sarah, a question was asked about Sarah, she got in the paint at will, just didn’t hit her shots.  We had some open looks.  We just didn’t    and Liz was right; we were stagnant.  We were so stagnant on offense.  And then when we did drive, we just didn’t get the call or float it up there and missed the easy shot.  Needless to say, we haven’t scored all tournament, you know what I mean?  And give Connecticut credit, too; they played great defense, great help defense, and big and strong, physical.