The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

A relieved Devin Ebanks


In case you were wondering what happened to Mr. Ebanks at the end of regulation …

“It was a bonehead move on my part. I thought we were up one. I didn’t realize (Corey Fisher) hit a 3. They were yelling at me, ‘Shoot it, shoot it.’ Then I looked up and there was two seconds left. But we pulled it out at the end. That’s all I care about.”

Oh, and about that end? Ebanks came over to double Reggie Redding, who squeezed through to find Scottie Reynolds, the last person WVU wanted to leave open … who was left open when Ebanks doubled.

“Please don’t go in. Coach would have been the first one to yell at me for leaving (Reynolds). Luckily, he hit the front end and we got the win.”

All in all, a fun little game and probably the best situation WVU could ask for as it relates to momentum and good vibes heading into the BET.