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Bob Huggins speaks between the lines

Bob Huggins was asked about the evolution of his bench — sneaky subplot there … it’s actually been pretty good the past eight or nine games — and how he was adding to the rotation and the dispersion of minutes while conventional wisdom this time of the year stresses shortening the bench and giving your best players the largest allotment of playing time.

Only this premise was introduced not as the idea of the person asking the question, but from behind the guard of an opinion offered by “college basketball analysts.”

Want to see Bob Huggins tilt his head and wisecrack? Mention “college basketball analysts.”

“Only one analyst won any games really. The reason you become an analyst is because you didn’t win. Seriously. And we’ve got an analyst who didn’t shoot 50 percent at the foul line. And they talk about other people. You can’t listen to those guys. One guy has a pretty good idea. He’s won over 800 games and I think he has a pretty good idea what’s going on. Some other guys do. Some guys who are former players do. Generally ex-coaches go into TV because they didn’t coach very well.”

Can you name the unnamed here?