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On money and Ebanks

(Final post of the day. Traveling back to Morgantown.)

Devin Ebanks was again the best WVU player on the floor Monday and again before a number of NBA scouts. As it was noted afterward, those scouts were near the basket Ebanks scored 12 second-half points as he finished with 17 — on nine shots — and nine rebounds.

And still, don’t be so sure he’s going pro. He might … and that might be a mistake. Then again, he might stay … and that might be a mistake, too. Whatever the case, there’s a lot for Ebanks and his people to talk and think about as it relates to the NBA’s labor situation and the future of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

“I don’t pay attention to the media, really,” he said. “I have a lot of games and a lot of stuff to worry about in my life and I want to take care of that first.”

Still, there’s a decision to be made and not just by Ebanks. There are underclassmen across the country who must think one way or the other. They either see the money out there for one last year, enter the draft and sign the lucrative rookie deal knowing the contract will be smaller in new CBA, or they look further and notice the very real possibility of a lockout in 2011.

“That’s probably going to happen,” Huggins said. “Say for instance Devin leaves. If there’s a work stoppage, he’s not getting paid. He’s not getting paid anything. Why would you go if there’s going to be a work stoppage?”